
Kyle Bloom jailed over attack on uncle with meat tenderiser

A drug dealer who was high on ice and GHB when he attacked his uncle with a meat tenderiser in rage over a love triangle, has learned his fate

Kyle Bloom (left). Picture: Facebook
Kyle Bloom (left). Picture: Facebook

A Geelong drug dealer who attacked his uncle with a meat tenderiser after finding out he was in a relationship with his ex-partner has been jailed.

Kyle Bloom, 26, appeared in the County Court at Warrnambool via videolink on Thursday afternoon, having earlier pleaded guilty to charges including aggravated burglary and unlawful assault.

Judge George Georgiou jailed Bloom for 23 months, with a non-parole period of 13 months.

On August 14 last year, Bloom hopped on his bike and rode to his ex-partner’s home in Norlane after being told by his sister that his ex was in a relationship with his uncle.

The court heard Bloom’s sister said she had been “in a punch-on” with his ex, and that both his uncle and ex had treated her “like sh--” by ignoring her when she visited.

When he arrived at his ex-partner’s home, the court heard Bloom screamed for his uncle to come out.

When he didn’t, Bloom banged on the front door, smashed windows and forced entry.

Once inside, he hit his uncle in the head with a meat tenderiser, telling him he would “f--king hurt him” and asking “why did you treat my sister like sh-t and treat me like a goose”, the court heard.

After the incident, he sent a message to his ex, calling her a “dog” and a “sl-t” and threatening to burn down her house.

At the time, Bloom was on bail and also serving a community corrections order (CCO).

After being released from a one-month jail stint in May last year, Bloom “immediately” went to his dealer and began using and selling drugs, the court heard.

In sentencing Bloom, Judge Georgiou described Bloom’s personal history, which was littered with criminality and substance abuse.

Bloom’s drug abuse started not long after leaving school, the court heard. His criminal record dates back to 2015, when he appeared in the children’s court after stealing a car.

Bloom told a psychologist he’d been in jail six times and reported using acid, ice, cannabis, MDMA, cocaine, opiates and benzodiazepines.

On the night of the assault, he’d been high on GHB and ice.

Judge Georgiou said while Bloom had underlying mental health problems, they played no role in the offending – the main driver was his drug use.

“You were angry and fuelled by illicit drugs when you committed the offences,” Judge Georgiou told Bloom.

He rejected the defence’s submission for a combination sentence of jail and a CCO, telling the court nothing was put on Bloom’s behalf that lessened his moral culpability.

“Being under the influence of illicit drugs does not provide you with any excuse or mitigation,” Judge Georgiou said.

He found that while the aggravated burglary was spontaneous and lacked planning, Bloom’s assault on his uncle was premeditated.

While no victim impact statements were provided to the court, Judge Georgiou said he could infer “from the circumstances that this must have been a terrifying incident”.

Bloom’s 335 days of pre-sentence detention will be deducted from his sentence.

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Originally published as Kyle Bloom jailed over attack on uncle with meat tenderiser

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