
Bec Judd: Model mum opens up on the pain of a caesarean birth

AFTER two natural births Bec Judd had a completely different experience when she delivered her twin boys, saying she started to have a panic attack and thought: “far out, am I going to die?”

'Worst thing I have ever done': Bec Judd on C sections

BEC JUDD is a mum to four gorgeous kids, but her latest birth was her first caesarean and thinks it’s the ‘worst thing’ she’s ever done.

The 34-year-old opened up about welcoming her twin boys on the KIIS network’s The 3PM Pick Up when her co-host Monty brought up the topic of natural versus a caesarean birth.

“My mind spins at how full on C-sections are,” Monty said during the show, with Bec adding: “They are awful, the worst thing I’ve ever done.”

“It’s far more horrific”

The Nine Postcards presenter admitted, compared to a natural delivery, a caesarean ‘absolutely kills’.

“It’s far more horrific,” she explained during the radio segment.

“The fact that you’re awake in major abdominal surgery is mind boggling and freaky and I remember I was lying there on the operating table and I started pretty much having a panic attack,” she said.

“My heart was going nutso, it felt like it was jumping out of my chest and I remember the anaesthetist saying ‘oh, woah you’re skipping some heartbeats here,’ which I don’t want to hear that because then I think ‘far out, am I going to die? What’s going on?’” She explained.

Nothing was going wrong but Bec explained it all became far too overwhelming: “There’s people everywhere, there’s these bright lights, I’m about to meet my twins, it was kind of an emergency caesarean, I’d been stressed my whole pregnancy and then I’m pretty much having a panic attack, it was wild.”

Bec doesn’t like her ‘gnarly’ scar

Bec admitted that once her meds wore off a bit later on the pain was excruciating compared to her first birth, which was natural with her son Oscar.

“Yeah it hurt a little bit, used a lot of ice but by the next day or two it was fine.”

But caesars? “Two weeks,” of pain, she said.

The mum-of-four doesn’t like looking at her ‘gnarly’ scar either and although she’s happy it’s quite low down on her pubic bone she still doesn’t like it.

She’s measured the scar, which is 12cm long and sits down so low that she can’t believe the boys’ heads actually came out of there.

She’s got some advice for all the soon-to-be mamma’s out there

While some say that having an elective caesar is the easy way out Bec certainly doesn’t think so.

After two natural births with her first two children and a C-section to deliver her twins last year she gave out some advice for any pregnant ladies out there.

“Ladies if you’re thinking of an elective caesar but your baby’s in a normal, natural position for a natural delivery, I’d go natural all the way, baby,” she said.

— This article was originally published on Kidspot and is reproduced here with permission.

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