
Put your superannuation on the right path with these five steps

Super funds have been volatile in the past six months but long-term investors look beyond that to build serious wealth. David & Libby Koch explain how to get your superannuation on track.

The essentials of superannuation

It has been a wild ride on sharemarkets over the last six months, spooking a lot of Australians as they’ve monitored the impact on their superannuation funds.

The sharemarket lost 9 per cent in value during the last three months of 2018 but has added 8 per cent so far this year. Wild.

The concern is quite understandable as, for many people, their superannuation balance is their second most valuable asset behind their house.


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Do you super sums and stay ahead of the retirement saving game.
Do you super sums and stay ahead of the retirement saving game.

The reality is performance figures show that, despite all the short term volatility, super fund returns are pretty good — particularly over the long term, which is what superannuation is designed for.

According to the latest SuperRatings analysis, balanced superannuation funds returned 5 per cent in the year to the end of February. Over three years the same balanced funds returned 8.8 per cent a year, 7.3 per cent over five years, 8.9 per cent for 10 years and 7.5 per cent over 15 years.

Compare super funds

To put those returns into dollars, $100,000 invested 10 years ago would today be worth $227,000 in a balanced fund, $246,000 is a growth fund, $270,000 in a domestic shares fund and $278,000 in a fund just invested in international shares.

By contrast, that $100,000 invested over 10 years in a cash fund would be worth $130,000 today.

A pleasing result from the latest performance data is that all of the top 20 balanced superannuation funds have returned over 9 per cent a year over the last 10 years. When you consider the low inflation and low interest rate environment that’s a great result.

Super fund returns have been consistently solid but do vary considerably depending on the investment option you choose. This underlines why it is so critical to regularly stress test your super fund to ensure its performance, transparency, fees and investment strategy is right for your needs.

A 35-year-old on a wage of $62,500 a year needs to contribute 13 per cent of their salary into super to retire on an amount that would produce an annual income equal to 70 per cent of their pre-retirement salary. That’s an extra 3.5 per cent contribution every year until retirement to get to the $678,000 balance.

For older Australians who haven’t had the full benefit of compulsory superannuation during their entire working life, the situation can be a lot tougher.

Here are five things to do now to put your super on the right path.


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Around 15.6 million Australians have a superannuation account, 39 per cent of them have more than one account and 14 per cent have more than three. On top of that, there are 6.3 million accounts worth $18 billion that have lost track of their owners.

Multiple accounts means multiple sets of fees eating away at your savings, so it’s crazy not to pool them together.

Jump on the Australian Taxation Office website or create a myGov account to search for accounts in your name and get the consolidation process started.


Once your super’s all in one place, it’s important to understand exactly what the fund is charging to manage it, so dust off that latest statement and read it through.

New legislation has forced super funds to be clearer about the fees they charge, which makes it easier to compare the market and work out if you’re getting a good deal.

At the end of the day, being informed will help you make better decisions about who manages your money.

It’s important you understand exactly what your super fund is charging to manage your investment. Picture: iStock.
It’s important you understand exactly what your super fund is charging to manage your investment. Picture: iStock.


One of the most important decisions to make about super is where to invest the money.

Most super funds offer a choice of investment options ranging in complexity from balanced funds to highly-leveraged growth funds and even direct shares.

Each option comes with a varying degree of risk compared to the expected reward, and where you decide to invest will have a lot to do with how comfortable you are with risk and your stage of life. All funds have a default option.

Ultimately, it’s a personal decision, but as an example people close to retirement often take on less risky investments to protect their nest egg against a drop in the market. Young guns in their 20s can afford to take a few more chances because they have time on their side to ride out a downturn.


Super funds often automatically provide new members with some combination of death, permanent disablement and income protection insurance.

This cover’s usually fairly basic in nature, though, and often isn’t enough to cover people’s actual needs.

It’s important to account for your personal situation when taking out insurance, so review cover carefully and if necessary enlist the help of a financial adviser.


Salary sacrificing allows you to benefit from tax concessions by kicking in a portion of your pre-tax salary (on top of your compulsory contribution) into superannuation up to an annual limit which is determined by your age.

It’s also possible to make after-tax contributions to take advantage of the concessional tax on any investment earnings.

Originally published as Put your superannuation on the right path with these five steps

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