
My Travel CV: I tried all the bugs in Bangkok, and I liked it

This chef and TV presenter is never afraid to taste something new when traveling, including Thailand’s creepy crawlies.

Cringe things Aussie tourists do in Europe

The chef and TV presenter Nornie Bero travels the world for food, but she’d always rather be at home in the Torres Strait. This is her Travel CV:

The weirdest thing I’ve eaten while travelling was...

Scorpion. I tried all the bugs in Bangkok, and I actually really liked it. They just lather the scorpion in soy sauce.

Au revoir, Paris! These are the most charming towns to visit in France

My first holiday memory is…

As a child we did trips together like camping but in the Torres Strait Islands, what they do is put you in the dinghy and take you over to another island that usually is just for camping with your family. Everybody has their own little plots and little beachfront, and you just stay there and rough it in a tin shed. My first holiday as an adult would have to be going to Europe. The south of France was so beautiful and lovely. France is still one of my favourite places.

My favourite place in Australia is…

I can’t not say my homeland! I love Far North Queensland. There’s just so much there. It has some of the best things to see, and to eat, and culture to experience. I also love the rawness of Broome and Darwin, with the multiculturalism too.

The place I’d love to visit in Australia is…

I haven’t been to the middle of Australia yet – I’d love to do a drive through the centre. I haven’t been to Katherine – it’s on my bucket-list.

My first holiday as an adult would have to be going to Europe. Picture: Supplied.
My first holiday as an adult would have to be going to Europe. Picture: Supplied.

The place I’d rather be right now is…

Just sitting with my family. Being out with my family and my mum and my cousins and their nieces and nephews.

The place I’ve visited most often is…

France, and I love it. I’ve done a driving trip around Europe a couple of times from Holland all the way to Italy. It was amazing and I did it for and by myself. When you drive around Europe, the flexibility is awesome – you don’t have a timeline and can go where you want, when you want. It was one of my dreams to be able to do that and do it by myself and see what that felt like.

My most memorable travel experience happened when...

I went to Florence – it was so amazing. I went to this little watch store that was a hole in the wall, owned by two women. It was the first time I bought myself a watch, and it was so unique having it be from a mother and daughter in Florence. That was the start of me buying watches around the world.

The place I’ve visited most often is France, and I love it. Picture: Supplied.
The place I’ve visited most often is France, and I love it. Picture: Supplied.

The destination on my bucket-list is...

I hope to one day travel to Africa. Why wouldn’t you want to try the food? I would love to try it all, experience the culture, and eat my way through Africa.

The place that most surprised me was…

The most surprising place for me was Kauai, one of the smaller islands of Hawaii. To see what the Indigenous people are doing with their culture was amazing. They are bringing back their fish farms and reviving and celebrating their culture. It was an amazing experience for me.

The advice I’d give to young travellers is…

Don’t say no to stuff. You’re only going to live once – see everything now.

I hope to one day travel to Africa. 
I hope to one day travel to Africa. 

My holidays are mostly devoted to…

Every holiday I go on is devoted to and evolves around food. I think that’s how I learn about culture and how I learn about people, because you can share food and that’s how conversation starts.

Travel has taught me...

About different cultures and how we live through food, and how important that is. I think travel is one of the best ways to get to know other people and other cultures and learn about other people’s traditions. Travel is the best thing I’ve ever done – I get to work with many different people from many different cultures.

How many flights have you missed?

I’ve missed a lot of flights – three – because I’m always rushing to the airport. I go the bare minimum of time to sit at an airport.

I think travel is one of the best ways to get to know other people and other cultures and learn about other people’s traditions. Picture: Supplied.
I think travel is one of the best ways to get to know other people and other cultures and learn about other people’s traditions. Picture: Supplied.

Passports/visas/wallets/luggage lost?

I have lost my phone while travelling – I got shocked by the toilets in the US one time because of how filthy they were. I put my phone down and had to walk out there without touching anything, and then I went through the gates. I had to use Find My Phone on my computer and watch someone walking around with it in the terminal.

What is your favourite travel companion?

My favourite travel companion is lollies. I like jellies to take with me because you just never know if you won’t get to eat something or if you need some sugar when travelling.

Flight/cruise/car or train?


My most memorable travel experience happened when I went to Florence. It was so amazing.
My most memorable travel experience happened when I went to Florence. It was so amazing.

Check-in or carry-on?

I wish I could say carry-on, but I carry knives with me (for cooking) so definitely check-in.

I manage jet lag by…

I just stay awake as long as I can beforehand but I also am a very good sleeper on planes.

NITV and SBS Food series Island Echoes with Nornie Bero is available on SBS On Demand.

Originally published as My Travel CV: I tried all the bugs in Bangkok, and I liked it

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