
How to cope with mental challenges of another Melbourne coronavirus lockdown

Lockdown 2.0 doesn’t have to be doom and gloom, with mental health experts sharing tips to get through the tough times and become a better person in six weeks time. 40 DAYS TO GO.

The Giannakopoulos family are surviving lockdown second time around with Elissa, husband Greg, and kids Sundae, 11, Alexie, 9, Gigi, 6 and Rocky the dog. Picture: Nicki Connolly
The Giannakopoulos family are surviving lockdown second time around with Elissa, husband Greg, and kids Sundae, 11, Alexie, 9, Gigi, 6 and Rocky the dog. Picture: Nicki Connolly

Six weeks stuck at home seems like a lifetime right now, but we’ve got you covered for daily entertainment.

Lockdown Life, a digital subscriber special, will give you a five minute brain break each day from coronavirus and arm you with some handy tips as well on keeping the family busy with movies to watch and bike rides to enjoy, and the adults well stocked with wine and recipes ideas — just to name a few.

So keep an eye out each lunchtime online.

Today we share some tips on how to mentally prepare for lockdown 2.0.

Lockdown Life 40 days to go
Lockdown Life 40 days to go

Let’s face it, lockdown 2.0 is a much tougher pill to swallow than the first time round.

You just have to see the 22 per cent increase since Sunday in calls to crisis support and suicide prevention service Lifeline to know Victorians are struggling with the second lockdown.

But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, resilience and positive psychology experts say there are great opportunities for us to move through this more smoothly and to achieve personal growth in the process.


Professor Lisa Phillips, director Professional Programs and associate head of school at Melbourne University’s School of Psychological Sciences, says it’s understandable people are feeling frustrated by the new regulations.

“I think this time many of us are feeling somewhat deflated that we are facing restrictions again. I think there is also an increased level of frustration that things have gone awry and that other areas of the country are beginning to open up but Melbourne is not,” she says.

“We can get through this and that, while frustrating, it is an essential step to try to control this virus. We saw the rates come down the first time and there is no reason to think that they won’t come down again this time round if we stick with the guidelines.”

The Resilience Project founder Hugh van Cuylenburg says people shouldn’t be too hard on themselves for feeling bad about the new lockdown.

“If anyone is feeling anxious or depressed that’s normal, don’t get down on yourself for feeling that way, it’s a struggle,” he says.

Reaching out to friends and support networks is made harder by the physical isolation, but he urges people to find ways to communicate if they’re struggling.

“We used to reach out all the time when we were struggling because it was happening over a beer at a pub or a sporting game, but we can’t do that anymore.

“Those things are not happening at the moment so we have to be courageous enough to find someone we are comfortable with talking to and start the conversation.”

Meditation and mindfulness are some ways to stay present during this uncertain time. Photo: iStock
Meditation and mindfulness are some ways to stay present during this uncertain time. Photo: iStock


He says there are many things people can do to improve their mental health in times of trouble.

“Research says there are three things we should be doing when things are tough to feel better. We need to exercise every day, we need to be eating well, which includes nowhere near as much sugar or food out of packets, and we need to be getting good sleep,” he says.

In addition to these suggestions, Mr van Cuylenburg encourages people to practice gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.

“In gratitude, you should write down three little silver linings in your day. For empathy, we need to be thinking about others more than we think about ourselves.

“Do something kind, just a nice email or call — little things go a long way for the other person as well as you,” he says.

“And mindfulness, in Melbourne we’re not overly calm or present at the moment.

“We’re looking ahead to where the world will be in six weeks or 12 months. Thinking about things we can’t control just makes us worry more.”

He says setting a six week challenge to achieve something you would not normally do if it were not for lockdown can provide a focus and a sense of purpose and achievement.

“So at the end of the six weeks they can look at what they’ve achieved and think ‘I would never have achieved that without this’. It could be cutting out sugar or alcohol, spending less time on devices. So you get that sense we’ve grown in some way or another.”

Eating well during lockdown will help improve your mood. Picture: File.
Eating well during lockdown will help improve your mood. Picture: File.


And if you’re not able to elevate out of the doldrums for yourself, think of the people around you.

“Think about the impact you are having on the people you love the most in your life and put the work in for them, it may not be about you but your loved ones,” Mr van Cuylenburg says.

“We’re not suggesting life-changing stuff, if you did it all it would be about half an hour out of your day. It will have an impact on you and you will feel happier.”

“It’s called post traumatic growth. Everyone of us has the chance to grow stronger because of what we are going through.”





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