

Shane Couch: Brawler was ‘psychotic’ during road rage attack

An “actively psychotic” man was released from prison without any mental health treatment, just days before he attacked a father outside a school.

Men brawl in front of horrified parents at school pick-up (9 News)

A street brawler who was caught on camera initiating a terrifying road rage attack outside a school during pick-up time will be released from custody.
Shane Couch, 21, was filmed by a freelance cameraman brawling outside Melton Secondary College at 3.15pm on March 15 in front of dozens of parents and children.

The attack was sparked moments earlier when his victim performed a U-turn on Coburns Rd after picking up his son.

Couch, who had been released from custody just six day prior, was “actively psychotic” at the time and has admitted to using ice earlier that day.

The two men were known to each other and had “animosity” between them, with Couch telling police he believed the man was attempting to “run him over”.

Shane Couch, 21, pleaded guilty to assault with a weapon after using a wooden picket to strike his victim through the car window. Picture: 9news
Shane Couch, 21, pleaded guilty to assault with a weapon after using a wooden picket to strike his victim through the car window. Picture: 9news

He followed the car and, while it was stuck at a red traffic light, launched into a frenzied attack jabbing him through the window with a wooden stake — striking both father and son.

His victim’s panicked attempts to get away led to a “domino-like” three-car collision outside the school, before he exited the vehicle and the pair began brawling.

In a victim impact statement he later wrote the incident continues to haunt him, and he’s “hyper-vigilant every time he’s at a traffic light”.

Couch returned to the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to assault, affray and damage offences.

The court heard he had been diagnosed as “actively psychotic” after pouring hot water on a prison guard at Ravenhall Correctional Centre on February 23 while in custody on unrelated matters.

Despite this, the then-homeless man was released two weeks later without any mental health referrals or treatment plans.

Shane Couch, 21, was arrested at the scene on March 15. Picture: 9news
Shane Couch, 21, was arrested at the scene on March 15. Picture: 9news

In sentencing Couch, Magistrate Michelle Mykytowycz said it was disappointing he had not received appropriate mental health care before the violence occurred.

“It’s a crying shame he fell through so many cracks,” she said.

“He is clearly far too vulnerable to be left to his own devices. He needs a rigid treatment plan.”

She said she was persuaded not to jail him over the “road rage” after taking into account his “complex” mental health circumstances.

“This has clearly impacted him (the victim) to this day,” she said.

Ms Mykytowycz said she was satisfied his mental health had stabilised while in custody and a rigid care plan would be enacted upon his release.

Couch was placed on a community corrections order for two years and will regularly return to court for judicial monitoring.

He is expected to be released from custody on Wednesday and will move to Ballarat to be closer to his sister.

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