
Despite rejections from Council, developer of $100m proposed development plan will fight for better action

The developer of a massive retirement home and golf course in Warrnambool will continue fighting, despite council rejecting the proposal.

Future Golf Course Recreation / Open Space
Future Golf Course Recreation / Open Space

Plans for a massive retirement home, golf club and open-spaced area are not dead in the water, developers say, after the proposal was rejected by council.

Despite being recommended for approval by council staff at its Monday night meeting, Warrnambool councillors voted down the $100m proposal 4-3.

Country Living Club developer Cameron Gull said he was disappointed by the rejection — particularly since he said he had worked with council officers for about 18 months before officially submitting the proposal to council — but would not give up on the project.

147 Woolaston Rd development plans
147 Woolaston Rd development plans

Instead, he is considering whether to file an appeal with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, re-submit an amended application or take the proposal to Victorian Planning Minister Lizzie Blandthorn.

The initial plan included 52 residential lots, a retirement village with 192 homes and a private golf course.

Mr Gull said he was “astounded” councillors spent just 11 minutes debating the issue.

“We question if Warrnambool is open for business?” he said.

“The development is a multi-generational opportunity that will contribute extensively to the local economy through employment opportunities, commercial contracts, and supply of building materials, whilst also supporting lifestyle choices and housing diversity for an increasingly ageing population.

“The proposed retirement village is an exciting independent living community for retirees in Warrnambool and the region and is a $100m development that is expected to be completed over a seven-to-ten-year period.”

Mr Gull said he was concerned by the objecting councillors’ statements, which mostly focused on roads that sit within the council’s jurisdiction.

Mayor Vicki Jellie, who made the deciding vote on the rejection, told the council meeting Woolaston Rd needed “an upgrade before this should be determined”.

“Council’s own traffic and engineering department are currently re-designing the Woolaston Rd interface as part of the proposed project and this council upgrade and design was discussed during our application,” Mr Gull said.

“We would also like our concerns answered appropriately for the Warrnambool community to gain some visibility and understanding on how this application has been treated.”

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