
County Court: Robert Glowacki: alleged armed robber begs for freedom six months ahead of trial date

An alleged home invader who has been on remand for four years has pleaded with a court to let him back into the community before his trial starts.

Robert Glowacki is accused of breaking into a Mitcham property and is due to stand trial in the County Court next year
Robert Glowacki is accused of breaking into a Mitcham property and is due to stand trial in the County Court next year

A man who has spent four years on remand because of delays including Covid has pleaded in court to be released on bail while he waits to stand trial over an aggravated home invasion.

Robert Glowacki, 33, who accused of breaking into a Mitcham home in November 2019, fronted the County Court on Friday, asking to be released back into the community until his trial date next year.

The court heard the DPP argued Glowacki posed an “unacceptable risk” if he were to be released on bail, with fears he was a danger to the public could tamper with a witness.

The trial is listed for March 13, 2024.

The court heard Court Integrated Services Program (CISP) Officer Helena Souris rated Mr Glowacki’s likelihood of reoffending was at a medium level.

Ms Souris cited the elements with the most potential to influence Glowacki’s chances of reoffending as his companions and his education and employment.

“He has a support network in place that reduces his chance of reoffending to a medium level,” she said.

“Mr Glowacki’s attitude towards the criminal justice system is positive, demonstrating that he will co-operate with treatment.”

Ms Souris said Mr Glowacki had been open to discussion and honest about his drug use and that he had been “frustrated with himself and his actions”.

“He’s open for the next steps,” she said.

“He is remorseful and his perception of the situation has change.”

The court heard Glowacki’s father, Warren Brooks, a drug and alcohol counsellor, was “hopeful” for his son’s behaviour if he was allowed out on bail.

“I believe that if his addiction is treated, the criminal behaviour that goes along with his drug use will also cease,” he said.

“The conversations we were having before his current incarceration gave me great hope as to him engaging in alcohol and drug counselling.”

Mr Brooks further said he would report his son to the police if he knew he was breaching his bail conditions.

“I would prefer he was in jail than if he was outside and reoffending,” he said.

“I want the best for him, I don’t want him to be out and reoffending, I want him to do well.”

Judge Patricia Riddell told the court she would hear the remainder of the bail application at a later date.

“Even if we heard everything this afternoon, I wouldn’t be able to make a decision in such a short amount of time,” she said.

“We will adjourn to next week and hear the remainder of the application then.”

Glowacki will return to court to find out the outcome of his bail application on September 25.

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