
Alan Krahnert fronted court for an opportunistic sexual assault on a vulnerable woman half his age

The victim of a sexual assault has told Mildura Magistrates Court how she can’t sleep without medication after she was subjected to sickening offending.

Alan Krahnert pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman half his age. Picture: Generic
Alan Krahnert pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman half his age. Picture: Generic

A Mildura grub took advantage of his position of trust when he sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman, a court has heard.

Alan Krahnert, 41, held his head in his hands and sobbed at Mildura Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday as pleaded guilty to his abhorrent offending.

The court heard how Krahnert lured his victim into a susceptible position by offering to crack her back.

Once his victim was in a vulnerable position, he felt his way up to her buttocks, before moving his hand inside of her shorts, on top of her underwear, while kissing her legs.

After the victim told him to stop and that he had gone too far, he tried to elicit a sexual favour from the victim, which was ignored.

A Victim Impact Statement was read to the court by the victim, detailing how the sexual assault had permeated throughout her entire life.

Krahnert was visibly shaking and crying when asked to stand by Magistrate Michael Coghlan
Krahnert was visibly shaking and crying when asked to stand by Magistrate Michael Coghlan

“I can’t sleep without medication. I have constant nightmares about that day,” the victim said.

“I can’t go out on my own. It triggers me. When my kids, partner or animals touch my leg, I shut down. I can’t be around men without my partner around.”

The statement also detailed how the offending had impacted the victim and her family.

Police prosecutor Matt Pardon told the court Krahnert had used his position of trust to perpetrate the sexual assault.

“He has caused the victim lifelong irreparable harm,” Mr Pardon said.

Krahnert’s lawyer Anne Hennessey told the court of her client’s deep regret.

“He feels remorse, guilt, and shame,” Ms Hennessey said.

Krahnert was visibly shaking and crying as Magistrate Michael Coghlan spoke to him.

“The physical contact you did was unwelcomed, unjustified and unlawful,” Mr Coghlan said.

“Although the incident was brief in time, it seems it has had a significant impact on the victim.”

“This incident is likely to be with her for the rest of her life.”

Krahnert was sentenced to three months behind bars and will be on an 18-month community corrections order when he is released.

Ms Hennessey immediately flagged Krahnert’s intention to apply for appeal bail.

Krahnert’s appeal bail hearing was successful and he was bailed on strict conditions.

He will appear at the County Court at a later date.

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