
Dodgy Bentleigh East travel agent leaves travellers stuck overseas

A Bentleigh East travel agent accused of scamming customers out of thousands was trading without a licence for more than four months as duped customers, who were left stranded overseas with no accommodation or flights home, seek legal action.

Oksana and Boris Gitin lost thousands to One World Travel. Pic: Penny Stephens.
Oksana and Boris Gitin lost thousands to One World Travel. Pic: Penny Stephens.

A travel agent accused of scamming customers out of thousands was trading without a licence for more than four months.

One World Travel has allegedly taken money for flights, hotels and cruises without making bookings, leaving elderly travellers stranded overseas with no accommodation or flights home — and thousands of dollars out of pocket.

The Australian Federation of Travel Agents, the country’s peak body for travel agencies, states the agency had its licence suspended since February, despite trading up until June 2.

The federation, on its website, states the agency “was suspended … in February 2019 and voluntary withdrew in March 2019”.

It does not specify why.

Lawyer Ilya Furman said he was representing a “growing list” of about 60 customers duped by One World Travel, which has shut its Bentleigh East store.

Mr Furman, of Furman and Furman Lawyers, said he hoped his clients — who he estimated had lost a total of as much as $1 million — might see their money but One World Travel and its owner Elena May had not responded to letters of demand and there was no assurance that the company had any capacity or assets.

“We need to be very careful about spending people’s money on legal proceedings because at this stage there is no indication that the company’s director or shareholders are anywhere to be found,” he said.

“It’s difficult to say to these elderly people that they have to pay money for commencing legal proceedings and even if we win there is absolutely no guarantee that they will see any of the money that they spent with One World Travel.”

Mr Furman said about 35 of his clients, all elderly pensioners, had been left stranded in Eastern Europe unable to board their cruise because they were told they had never been booked in.

They also couldn’t get home because they discovered the same had happened to their return tickets to Australia.

Berwick man Igor Sorkin said he and his wife were left more than $10,000 out of pocket and stranded at Melbourne Airport when they tried to board their flight to Ukraine earlier this month but were told their payment had been refunded days after it was booked.

Mr Sorkin said he never asked for their tickets to be refunded and had not seen the refunded money.

The couple was headed to Ukraine to seek medical help for Mrs Sorkin and supposed to be overseas until September.

“You should know how one feels when hope is ruined,” Mr Sorkin said.

Carnegie’s Oksana Gitin said she and her husband Boris booked flights and hotels for a trip to America through One World Travel in February after friends recommended the agency.

Oksana and Boris Gitin paid thousands of dollars to One World Travel. Pic: Penny Stephens.
Oksana and Boris Gitin paid thousands of dollars to One World Travel. Pic: Penny Stephens.

Mrs Gitin said the couple received receipts for their cash payments before realising they had been scammed out of $8500 because One World Travel had not booked any accommodation or flights.

“We worked really hard for our money,” Mrs Gitin said.

“I’ve been trying to say its only money but it’s still a shock.

“It’s such a fraud and I can’t believe it’s happened here in Australia.”

Hallam man Vahe Shaginian said his wife was due to fly to Russia on June 9 but found out her seat was never booked four days before the flight — despite forking out $6000 for the tickets.

Mr Shaginian said his family had used the agency since 2016 and had “zero suspicions” when booking the flights last month.

“I trusted them,” he said.

“This was a life lesson for me. Never pay in cash, always use credit card and never trust anyone.

“We’ve reported to Consumer Affairs, the police and ASIC but it’s been a waste of time because nobody has done anything to help.”




Leader tried contacting One World Travel but its phone was disconnected and the Bentleigh East shop was closed, with newspaper covering the windows. A Buxton real estate ‘for let’ advertisement was visible.

Leader contacted the advertised number and the agent refused to comment.

Mr Furman said he believed that Ms May and One World Travel had been practising for many

years and had a good reputation for obtaining Russian visas for customers.

One World Travel Bentleigh East is closed for business. Pic: Shelby Brooks
One World Travel Bentleigh East is closed for business. Pic: Shelby Brooks

A sign on the door of the East Boundary Rd store claims the business entered voluntary administration on June 3, but Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) confirmed as of June 26, the business was still registered for trading.

Victoria Police spokesman Alex Day said police believed the travel agency was under involuntary administration and said the matter was being referred to Consumer Affairs.

Consumer Affairs Victoria spokeswoman Lucy Teal said the watchdog was “aware of the sudden, unexpected closure” of the agency and “inquiries into the circumstances are ongoing”.

Mr Furman said he was still hoping one of the statutory authorities would pursue the matter and take action so his clients might find some answers.

“I would have thought at the very least the fraud squad ought to have commenced an investigation but we have no evidence they have done so,” he said.

The chief executive of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents, the country’s peak body for travel agencies, was unavailable for comment.

But the federation’s website states it is “aware that the travel agent One World Travel has permanently closed its doors”.

“AFTA have been notified that industry sources are attempting to identify affected customers and assist with bookings,” the website states.

“Affected customers should seek the assistance of an ATAS accredited travel agent to assist in having a transfer of agency for the booking.”

The federation states One World Travel’s voluntary withdrawal is listed on the AFTA cancelled list.

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