
Forensic investigations expert to lift lid in Maryborough

The dark secrets of how authorities identify bodies after bombings and tsunamis will be exposed later this month. Find out why.

Peter Baines, forensic investigator and founder of Hands Across the Water.
Peter Baines, forensic investigator and founder of Hands Across the Water.

Renowned forensic investigator Peter Baines will lift the lid on the grisly side of identifying bodies after disasters during a public talk in a regional town next month.

The former NSW police officer led an Australian team to Thailand in 2004 following the devastating Boxing Day tsunami which claimed thousands of lives in the Asian nation, as well as Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

Tickets to the talk, to take place at Maryborough, will support a fundraising push by Australians Kate Ashton and Graeme Leach who will ride 535 kilometres across Thailand to raise money for the Hands Across the Water charity.

The organisation is dedicated to improving lives in Thailand.

Graeme Leach and Kate Ashton with Jan from Hands Across the Water.
Graeme Leach and Kate Ashton with Jan from Hands Across the Water.

“This is the third time I have done the ride – it is both exhausting physically as well as mentally,” Ms Ashton said.

“We will be having a number of fundraisers along the way.”

Mr Baines, who founded the Hands Across the Water charity, said he was looking forward to being the keynote speaker at the Maryborough event.

“Originally the aim of Hands Across the Water was to build a children’s home for 100 youngsters who had no family they could live with.

“We did that but in the years after the disaster the need became greater because a lot of aid agencies withdrew from the area.”

Mr Baines said he would talk about the work he’d done internationally in disaster areas, including after the Bali bombings.

“That includes the challenges we faced, leadership, trust, resilience. I’ll also talk about the importance of Hands Across the Water and how things have changed,” he said.

“We now have homes for 300 kids and the focus is on providing a life with choices for the children. We have supported 31 through university. It’s about investing in the children’s futures rather than just their immediate needs and that’s how we measure our success.”

The talk will be held on Saturday, February 18. Tickets are $55 and cover a two-course dinner at the Highlands Society, Maryborough.

For tickets email or 0418 521 346

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