
Council elections 2024: Who’s running for the City of Greater Bendigo

Nominations are now open for the Bendigo council elections. Meet the candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring.

Nominations are rolling in as candidates throw their hat in the ring for the 2024 Bendigo council election.
Nominations are rolling in as candidates throw their hat in the ring for the 2024 Bendigo council election.

The City of Greater Bendigo council election is not far away, and many candidates have thrown their hats in the ring.

Greater Bendigo will have nine wards with one councillor in each ward. It previously had three wards with three councillors in each ward.

Of the 10 sitting councillors, only two councillors — Mayor Andrea Metcalf and Vaughan Williams — have confirmed they will stand for re-election.

We’ll keep updating this story as candidates nominate from Monday September 9 to September 17, so stay tuned.

Have other questions about the election? We answer everything you need to know and more here.

Axedale Ward

Alida Robinson

Alida Robinson is running for election in the Axedale Ward.

Ms Robinson is a community connections pastor and music co-ordinator at A Reasonable Christianity church.

Alida Robinson, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Alida Robinson, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Ms Robinson has lived and worked in the Bendigo region for the past 35 years.

She and her husband Paul have four children and five grandchildren.

She owns and operates Bendigo Property Buyers, working as a buyer’s agent helping people with their real estate needs.

Ms Robinson hosts Musically Speaking and Off the Cuff on community radio station Life 105.1FM and hosts a Sunday program.

Rob Stephenson

Strathfieldsaye resident is standing for election on a platform of better public transport of his ward.

Mr Stephenson is a board director at Heathcote Health, a large hospital in Greater Bendigo. He formerly worked as the head of the La Trobe University Bendigo campus.

Rob Stephenson, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Rob Stephenson, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

He also previously served as interim chief executive officer of the Bendigo chamber of commerce.

He wants to improve business opportunities in Bendigo, and focus on improving amenities for townships and suburbs on the outskirts of Bendigo.

Shivali Chatley

Single mother and owner of Junortoun’s post office Shivali Chatley will stand for the Axedale Ward.

She wants to improve her ward’s infrastructure and services like public transport and walking and cycling paths.

Ms Chatley said her business was a community hub and she spoke to almost everyone in Jonortoun, with a lot of them asking her to run for council.

“I live in the real world of people through my post office,” she said.

“I don’t believe councillors and senior council officers understand just how much many people on low incomes and pensioners are struggling with the cost of living crisis we are experiencing.”

Shivali Chatley, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Shivali Chatley, candidate for the Axedale Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

The Liberal Party affiliated candidate said her main priority, if elected, was to “reduce expenditure so a stop can be put to the ever increasing rates and waste management fees”.

She also wants to push for capped rates, more street lighting and footpaths, two free rubbish tip vouchers for each ratepayer, a free kerbside hard rubbish annual collection, no increases to current landfill fees and for council to lobby the state government for improved public transport

Ms Chatley was born in India and moved to Australia during her late teens in the year 2000, before shifting to the Bendigo area in 2015.

Eppalock Ward

Aaron Spong

Owner of Heathcote’s Fodder Cafe Aaron Spong is running to give the residents of Heathcote a stronger voice on Bendigo council.

”Heathcote has been disadvantaged by not having a local councillor. I’ll be available and contactable throughout the entire diverse Ward that now includes Flora Hill, Spring Gully and other rural areas,” he said.

Aaron Spong is a candidate for the Eppalock Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Aaron Spong is a candidate for the Eppalock Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Spong wants to use his experience running a small business to support other businesses in his ward.

“Far too many businesses have been adversely affected by lengthy road works and pavement improvements at inopportune times of the year, without proper consultation,” he said.

Mr Spong is also bringing the issues of waste management to the election, advocating for an annual free kerbside collection of hard rubbish.

“Many councils have been providing this service for decades. Why not Bendigo? Easing of requirements for residents to opt out of organic waste bins especially for rural properties,” he said.

Dean Farrell

Dean Farrell has nominated as a candidate for the Eppalock Ward. 

Mr Farrell has been a resident of Bendigo for more than 35 years and works for the Bendigo Advertiser as sales manager.

Mr Farrell said he was running for council so he could “listen and understand what I can do to help improve the community now and for future generations”. 

Dean Farrell
Dean Farrell

“My main priority if I am elected is to be someone who will champion the region and listen to concerns. I want to understand what makes the area tick and be involved,” he said.

“I bring commercial experience and a wealth of business knowledge to the table. I want to be that level head that listens and acts accordingly.”

Mr Farrell has been a past president of the YMCA basketball club as well as a coach of local basketball teams for more than a decade. 

Epsom Ward

Andrea Metcalf

Andrea Metcalf is unopposed in the Epsom Ward, meaning the current mayor will retain her spot on council for a third term.

She was first elected in 2016 and has served as mayor since 2021.

If re-elected, Ms Metcalf said her main focus would be “making good decisions for the community”.

She plans to use her experience on council to manage the delivery of services through “good governance” amid rate increase caps imposed by the state government.

“I am also only one of the two existing councillors to nominate as candidates for the upcoming council elections so if I’m re-elected will bring some stability and continuity between the existing and future council,” she said.

City of Greater Bendigo Mayor Andrea Metcalf Picture: Supplied
City of Greater Bendigo Mayor Andrea Metcalf Picture: Supplied

Ms Metcalf said she was not running on a platform, rather that she stood for policies ratepayers asked for.

“I’m here to represent the community, not run my own agenda through council,” she said.

“The community has set the community vision and the community will develop a new council plan after the election that staff and councillors will work to.”

Before council, Ms Metcalf had a 37 year career with Centrelink where she held various leadership roles.

She sits on the board of Bendigo Heritage Attractions and is chair of the Eaglehawk Table Tennis and Badminton Association, a member of the Epsom Ascot Huntly Flood Mitigation Committee and a member of Empowering Eaglehawk.

Golden Square Ward

Mary-Ann Martinek

Former army officer and Golden Square resident Mary-Ann Martinek is running for council.

She wants to address the pressing flooding issues plaguing Bendigo and improve the safety of women in the community.

“If I can bring anything of myself to Golden Square I know I’ll represent the Ward respectfully, passionately, courageously and with regard to how strong one voice can be,” she said.

Mary-Ann Martinek, candidate for the Golden Square Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Mary-Ann Martinek, candidate for the Golden Square Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

After serving two decades in the army as a general service officer, she now works as a case researcher and project manager at the Long Gully Veterans Centre.

She has advocated for veterans for years and helps them access their medical entitlements.

Vaughan Williams

Mr Vaughan is a Golden Square resident and Bendigo councillor throwing his hat in the ring for re-election.

A major focus for Mr Vaughan at the election is to address residents’ concerns about flooding.

Following the major flooding of Greater Bendigo in 2022 and 2024, residents in growth corridor areas like Huntly and Maiden Gully have expressed concerns development approved by council has contributed to worse flooding.

Cr Vaughan Williams. Picture: City of Greater Bendigo.
Cr Vaughan Williams. Picture: City of Greater Bendigo.

Mr Vaughan wants improved council planning around how planning approvals can influence flooding.

Mr Vaughan prioritises fiscal responsibility at council, reducing costs to leave enough room in the budget to support the delivery of services and projects, like addressing the $5m repair bill after the most recent inundation.

He stands on a platform of growing the local economy and creating more jobs in Bendigo.

Matthew Dwyer

Matthew Dwyer has nominated as a candidate for Golden Square.

Mr Dwyer is the owner and director of Y2Architecture. A Bendigo resident of 10 years, father of three and self-described “tennis tragic”, Mr Dwyer said he wanted to be a “strong voice for the community”.

“Those who know me describe me as passionate, collaborative, a good listener, and someone who takes action,” he said.

“I share the community’s concerns for struggling traders, revitalising the business district, and enhancing liveability for residents. Key structure and master plans need to be reignited, and I’m committed to making that happen.

“Representing the Golden Square Ward means approaching the role with fresh ears, listening to all voices, and understanding what truly matters.

Mr Dwyer said a “local first” approach was “crucial for economic and social impact”.

“Too often, opportunities are given to businesses outside our region, affecting the financial sustainability of local companies. This threatens jobs, local philanthropy, and our children’s opportunities to live, work, and thrive in Bendigo,” he said.

“I want a successful and sustainable Greater Bendigo business, to be an opportunity for employment for local designers and give back to my community. Currently this is very challenging.

“It won’t be easy, but I’m ready for the challenge. Together, we move forward.”

Karen Corr

Karen Corr has nominated as a candidate for Golden Square.

Karen Corr, candidate for the Golden Square Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Karen Corr, candidate for the Golden Square Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Kennington Ward

Gavin Hicks

Former teacher Gavin Hicks is the Greens nominee for the Kennington Ward on a platform of affordable housing and safer roads and public spaces.

“I’m running for council because I believe everyone is entitled to a roof over their head, reasonable council rates and safe public spaces to live and grow together,” he said.

Mr Hicks said championing safer roads and more accessible public spaces around the Kennington ward were “matters of critical importance” to him.

Gavin Hicks is a candidate for the Kennington Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Gavin Hicks is a candidate for the Kennington Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

“I was hit by a car last year while training for a triathlon, requiring months of surgery and recovery so I understand the importance of making our streets safe to navigate and more harmonious, not just for those across Kennington ward but also Greater Bendigo,” he said.

“If elected I will advocate for better integration of pedestrian spaces in existing infrastructure as well as ensuring road maintenance is targeted leading to safer streets for all road users across our ward, no matter their form of transportation.”

Mr Hicks said he would also push for more affordable housing and rental arrangements, secure employment, and increased funding for localised, renewable energy solutions.

His past experience with council includes his involvement in the campaign which helped keep the Bendigo East Swimming Pool open.

He has lived in Bendigo with his family for eight years, is serving on his kids’ primary school board, is president of the Bendigo Triathlon Club and is a member of the Holy Trinity Church.

Abhishek Awasthi

Indian Association of Bendigo president Abhishek Awasthi is running for council.

He is standing on a platform of improving local services such as the Bendigo East pool, ensuring affordable housing options, and fostering economic growth.

“I’m dedicated to improving local services, ensuring affordable housing options, growing our economy, and protecting the environment we all love,” he said.

“We need to do as much as we can to reduce the cost of living and increase affordable housing options. I see the stress housing places on people every day in the roles I have.”

Mr Awasthi has lived in Kennington for 14 years and says he has a strong passion for community.

Abhishek Awasthi is a candidate for the Kennington Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Abhishek Awasthi is a candidate for the Kennington Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Awasthi is “deeply connected” with the local community through his volunteer work with AFL Central Victoria, Cricket Australia, Rotary, Eaglehawk Community House, Kangaroo Flat Community House, Bendigo Sustainability Group, Bendigo Interfaith Council, and Bendigo Foodshare, over the years.

He is also involved with several community organisations including Victorian Multicultural Commission and Bendigo Community Health Services.

“As a community leader and through my work with the local community, I also see the challenges locals are facing, which is why I want to run for council,” he said.

Mr Awasthi is also passionate about food relief to those who need it and has volunteered with Bendigo Foodshare and would bring the issue of food relief to bear in the council chamber if elected.

Mr Awasthi has a masters degree in biotechnology and bioinformatics with honours and an MBA.

Lake Weeroona Ward

Thomas Prince

Mr Prince is a Bendigo man running for council for the third time after unsuccessfully contesting the 2016 and 2020 elections.

He is bringing the issue of improved waste management and recycling and roads.

Thomas Prince, candidate for the Lake Weeroona Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Thomas Prince, candidate for the Lake Weeroona Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

He is studying a double of Psychological Science and Criminology at La Trobe University where he is the board chair of campus’ student association.

Mr Prince’s community work includes involvement in the Bendigo Easter Festival, work with the Bendigo Health Foundation.

Mr Prince said he previously “spearheaded” the Bendigo Dragons Gridiron Club’s school programs to get more kids into sports.

Luke Martin

Luke Martin, Bendigo Trades Hall Council secretary, is running in the Lake Weeroona Ward.

“As the Secretary of the Bendigo Trades Hall Council I dedicated myself to helping make people's lives better, as a councillor I will continue that same level of dedication to help make the lives of all the people of Bendigo better.”

Luke Martin is a candidate for the Lake Weeroona Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Luke Martin is a candidate for the Lake Weeroona Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

He has worked the poultry processing industry where he represented the workers as their union delegate.

“My years of experience working with the union movement have taught me that by working together we can achieve great things,” he said.

Mr Martin also volunteers as the Bendigo Baseball Association president.

Lockwood Ward

John McIlrath

Maiden Gully man John McIlrath is an army veteran, ex-Bendigo copper and small business owner running in the Lockwood Ward on a platform of improving community safety, local roads and amenity.

Joining the army at 17 to become a heavy diesel mechanic, John saw active service in 2000 in East Timor before coming home and serving as senior constable in the Bendigo police force.

“My time on the beat in Bendigo gave me a deep understanding of community safety issues, and running a local business has kept me closely connected to the needs of residents and the economic heartbeat of the area.

Mr McIlrath said he wanted to be the voice of all residents in Lockwood Ward and bring a sense of common sense” to the council chamber.

John McIlrath, candidate for the Lockwood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
John McIlrath, candidate for the Lockwood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

“With my background in the military, law enforcement and business, I’m dedicated to making practical decisions that improve the quality of life for everyone,” he said.

Mr McIlrath said he wanted to promote development of the city alongside encouraging businesses to thrive.

“I believe in cutting unnecessary red tape, supporting local businesses, and prioritising safety and community infrastructure. My aim is to be a representative who listens and acts with integrity and commitment.”

Mr McIlrath has served on various sub committees with the Bendigo and District RSL through his service with the Australian Regular Army and has volunteered with various sporting clubs and groups through his children’s sport and activities.

Jay Brady

Jay Brady has nominated as a candidate for the Lockwood Ward.

Ravenswood Ward

Damien Hurrell

Damien Hurrell lives in Lockwood South and has worked as an intensive care nurse for 23 years at Bendigo Health.

He is also a branch councillor with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Victorian Branch.

“I have more than 20 years of experience speaking in public representing nurses and midwives: if I’m entrusted with the role of councillor, I’ll bring that experience and passion to representing the people of Ravenswood Ward,” he said.

Damien Hurrell is a candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Damien Hurrell is a candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

“I’m proud to be a nurse and to have dedicated my life to caring for people in our

community, regardless of their background, their politics, or their wealth,” he said.

“I’ve learned how to listen, how to plan, and how to act in the interests of the people I care for. Those skills are exactly what we need on council.

“There are so many good people and good businesses in Kangaroo Flat and the rest of Ravenswood Ward whose voices need to be clearly heard.

Mr Hurrell wants to investigate setting up a housing trust which would construct and maintain affordable housing in Greater Bendigo to address homelessness and support people who are facing the prospect of homelessness amid the crushing cost of living and housing crisis.

“In over two decades as a nurse I’ve seen what homelessness does to people. The mental and physical effects are devastating,” he said.

“But when people without somewhere to live are only treated as a problem, the impacts just get worse. I won’t try to move homeless people on: I’ll work to ensure that Bendigo has enough accessible and affordable places for everyone to live.”

Donna Nicholas

Lockwood South resident Donna Nicholas has nominated as a candidate for Ravenswood.

Ms Nicholas said she was passionate about seeing the council focus on core services like rates, roads, and rubbish, with special attention to local issues such as flood mitigation at Bullock Creek and Happy Jacks Reserve.

Donna Nicholas, candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Donna Nicholas, candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Ms Nicholas’ vision is to “keep Bendigo thriving as a stand-alone town that offers unique opportunities for small businesses while remaining a central hub for tourism in Victoria”.

“I’m committed to supporting the return of niche small businesses and preserving Bendigo’s rich gold rush heritage, ensuring it remains a must-visit destination for future generations,” he said. 

She also wants to expand bike tracks for the community and freezing rates for pensioners and low-income earners.

“A vote for Donna Nicholas in October is a vote for a genuine, down-to-earth representative who truly understands and cares for the people of Bendigo,” she said.

Ms Nicholas has lived in her ward for 23 years with her husband Drew and son Cody.

She is a small-business owner and active community member; from reading programs and volunteering in the school canteen to goal umpiring for her son’s football team.

She’s also involved with the Victorian Endurance Riders Association.

John Cooper

John Cooper is running for election in the Ravenswood ward on a platform of “helping the people of Bendigo prosper”.

“My main goal is to help the people of Bendigo prosper, especially Ravenswood ward,” he said.

“We need a greater diversity of temples, catering to the growing diversity of the people in our amazing city in the forest. We need to protect that forest by helping as many native trees older than 50 years prosper, rather than bulldoze them all for new developments.”

John Cooper, candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
John Cooper, candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Cooper said he would support infill development in Bendigo, and said council should address housing uncertainty in the region.

“Homelessness can be tackled by council. We can address the housing crisis by entering into commercial partnerships to house the homeless and protect the vulnerable. We need to stop trying to just move people on,” he said.

Mr Cooper wants to see better public transport including a devoted train network, better bus stops, footpaths and bicycle routes.

He also supports making pet desexing compulsory, and lowering the cost to do so. He also supports a 24/7 dog and cat curfew, and suggests council look for incentives to get residents on board.

Emma Berglund

Emma Berglund is running for council in the Ravenswood Ward because she is passionate about serving the community.

“I’m running for council because I’m passionate about serving the community and finding thoughtful, practical solutions through my background in economics,” she said.

She said her priority as a councillor would be working towards seeing the Bendigo community thrive “economically while supporting diversity, accessibility, and opportunity for all”.

Emma Berglund is a candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Emma Berglund is a candidate for the Ravenswood Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

“With extensive experience in disability and diversity, I value inclusion and understand the importance of ensuring all voices are heard,” she said. 

“I believe in building bridges, not barriers, and I’m committed to finding common ground, learning from others, and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.”

Ms Berglund has volunteered with various groups in Bendigo. She was involved with the La Trobe University Student Association as a board member, disability officer, women’s officer.

She was also a leader with the Girl Guides where they helped at The Bendigo Repair Café.

She has also been involved with the Emporium Creative Hub and Bendigo Retro Gaming Group. She said her favourite local event was Bendicon.

Whipstick Ward

Jan Pagliaro

Bendigo Rotarian Jan Pagliaro is hoping third time is a charm, running again for council.

Ms Pagliaro has lived and worked for 18 years in Bendigo in the disability and aged care industry, working with and advocating for vulnerable people in the community.

Ms Pagliaro is heavily involved in community groups.

Jen Pagliaro, candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Jen Pagliaro, candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

She is part of Bendigo South Rotary Club’s leadership team, is a committee member at the Bendigo Showgrounds and is a board member and former graduate of the LEAD Loddon Murray leadership program.

She has also worked with Bendigo Community Health Services where she organised a project running excursions for refugees who had recently moved to Bendigo

She has also worked in crisis counselling for Lifeline.

Bevan Madden

Girton Grammar maths teacher Bevan Madden is running in the upcoming election.

The Eaglehawk resident is running on cost of living issues, and looking ahead to meet the demands of the growing region.

As a teacher, Mr Madden said he was keenly aware of creating a better future for today’s children and was advocating for improved safety in the CBD and more free events for young people.

“I am running because I want to see Bendigo continue to flourish. We are so lucky to call this part of the world home, and I want to ensure it remains that way for current and future residents,” he said.

“I want to prepare Bendigo for the growth it is expected to see over the next thirty years by investing in our young people and growth areas.”

Bevan Madden is a candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Bevan Madden is a candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Madden said he was also interested in maintaining Bendigo as a regional hub of culture, including the arts and gastronomy.

He previously served as a committee member and president of the Bendigo Theatre Company, and has been a member of the Bendigo Symphony Orchestra since 2017.

Mr Madden has also been part of the Bendigo Umpires Association since 2021.

Owen Cosgriff

Eaglehawk man Owen Cosgriff is the endorsed Victoria Socialist candidate for Bendigo and wants to address the cost of living crisis, opposes privatisation and fight for affordable housing.

Owen Cosgriff, candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.
Owen Cosgriff, candidate for the Whipstick Ward in the 2024 Bendigo council election. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Cosgriff would advocate for council to address issues in aged care across the region.

“Since the pandemic the cost of living has exploded for working people and from housing affordability to medical costs or the cost of child care, local councils have a role to soften the blow,” he said.

“Unfortunately the current council has decided to cut and privatise council services instead such as Home Support aged care services for our elderly to be able to age in place, forcing people prematurely out of their homes”

He is also interested in increasing council-run child care to take the pressure off local families.

Mr Cosgriff also would advocate for more train running at peak times in Bendigo.

“Bendigo’s population is concentrated along the rail corridors and many of its stations have been recently upgraded yet there are no commuter rail services,” he said.

“I would like to see rail services from Eaglehawk, Huntly, Marong and Kangaroo flat increased during morning and evening rush hours.”

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