

Council elections 2024: Who’s standing in the City of Ballarat

The full of list of candidates standing in Ballarat’s coming council is now available. Meet those who have thrown their hats in the ring.

A number of Ballarat residents have thrown their hat in the ring for the 2024 council elections.
A number of Ballarat residents have thrown their hat in the ring for the 2024 council elections.

Both new and familiar faces make up the final list of candidates for the coming council election in the City of Ballarat.

Nominations have now closed opened for nine wards, each to have one councillor.

Previously, Ballarat has had three wards with three councillors each.

Election day is October 26.

See the list of candidates below, which will continue to be updated.

Of those in office at the moment, councillors Daniel Moloney and Peter Eddy will not be standing.

Alfredton Ward

Sundram Sivamalai

Dr Sundram Sivamalai is a candidate in Alfredon Ward.

Alfredton Ward candidate Dr Sundram Sivamalai.
Alfredton Ward candidate Dr Sundram Sivamalai.

Besides a life in nursing, he established and is the chair of Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council, now the peak multicultural agency in the Central Highlands Grampians Region.

Dr Sivamalai has been awarded a Centenary Medal for his work with migrants and Ballarat Citizen of the Year in 2021.

Nathan Anderson

Nathan Anderson is standing in Alfredton Ward.

He has lived in Alfredton and Lucas for five years and has experience in state and local government.

Alfredon Ward candidate Nathan Anderson.
Alfredon Ward candidate Nathan Anderson.

Mr Anderson is a single father of four and is involved with school councils and community activities.

He says he seeks to contribute more to his community as his children mature and has growing concerns with local decisions..

Maegan Boundey

Maegan Boundey is a single mother and program director at Red Tree Community Arts.

She is a former social worker with experience working in youth detention.

Alfredton Ward candidate Maegan Boundey.
Alfredton Ward candidate Maegan Boundey.

Ms Boundey has volunteered for Free Palestine Ballarat, Sovereign Hill, and Debaters Association of Victoria.

She aims to represent locals, not corporations or property developers, and promises to protect Victoria Park and make Alfredon walkable and accessible.

Elisa Zentveld

Dr Elisa Zentveld is a professor of social justice at Federation University, where she was the chair of the academic board for several years.

Alfredton Ward candidate Elisa Zentveld. Picture: Federation University
Alfredton Ward candidate Elisa Zentveld. Picture: Federation University

Ms Zentveld’s research focused on the intersection of family tourism and family violence.

She has won awards for her tourism research and education.

Damon Saunders

Damon Saunders is standing in Alfredton Ward.

Thomas Lam

Thomas Lam is standing in Alfredton Ward.

Brown Hill Ward

Ted Lapkin

Ted Lapkin is a former political adviser and has worked with federal ministers and US senators.

Brown Hill Ward candidate Ted Lapkin.
Brown Hill Ward candidate Ted Lapkin.

He has pledged to stop or lower a projected rates rise and has expressed dissatisfaction with the condition of roads and overspending by the council.

Mr Lapkin seeks accountability and transparency and says he will prioritise residents over bureaucrats if elected.

Ellen Burns

Ellen Burns grew up in Warrenheip and lived most of her life in Brown Hill.

She founded We Bar None and is the president and co-founder of The Hidden Orchard.

Ms Burns is an advocate for climate action, social justice, and improving Brown Hill residents’ quality of life.

Brown Hill Ward candidate Ellen Burns.
Brown Hill Ward candidate Ellen Burns.

She has concerns about density and overdevelopment, service provision, accessible public transport, a lack of footpaths and bike paths, and the protection of the environment.

Ms Burns ran as the Greens candidate for Wendouree in the 2022 state election.

Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson has been a North Ward councillor since 2012 and was deputy mayor for three terms from 2020 to 2023.

Brown Hill Ward candidate Amy Johnson.
Brown Hill Ward candidate Amy Johnson.

Her interests include public health, family and children’s services, the local economy, supporting business, and fostering a strong arts and events community in Ballarat.

Ms Johnson has experience as a non-executive director in government and not-for-profit sectors.

Buninyong Ward

Ben Taylor

Ben Taylor has been a South Ward councillor since 2008 and was mayor of the Ballarat in 2019 and 2020.

He lives near Buninyong with his wife and four children.

Buninyong Ward candidate Ben Taylor.
Buninyong Ward candidate Ben Taylor.

Mr Taylor seeks to encourage business and jobs growth and keep the council focused on local issues.

He promises to advocate for Buninyong, Mt Helen, and Mt Clear to receive their fair share of council attention.

Robert Pattie-Williams

Robert Pattie-Williams is standing in Buninyong Ward.

He calls himself a progressive candidate and aims to focus on community to make Ballarat prosperous.

Buninyong Ward candidate Robert Pattie-Williams.
Buninyong Ward candidate Robert Pattie-Williams.

Mr Pattie-Williams argues for a city well-connected by public transport, a campaign to help stamp out violence, and sustainable growth which limits urban sprawl.

Mark Jones

Mark Jones is standing in Buninyong Ward.

Central Ward

Samantha McIntosh

Samantha McIntosh has been a Central Ward councillor since 2008 and was mayor in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

She is in favour of strong partnerships with government and the private sector to complete projects for the city and benefit the economy.

Central Ward candidate Samantha McIntosh.
Central Ward candidate Samantha McIntosh.

Ms McIntosh’s focus is on a council vision that continues to create jobs, attract investment, and provide essential services.

Ms McIntosh stood as a Liberal candidate for the state seat of Wendouree in 2022.

Belinda Coates

Belinda Coates has been a Central Ward councillor for 12 years and has been deputy mayor twice.

Central Ward candidate Belinda Coates.
Central Ward candidate Belinda Coates.

She is an advocate for Indigenous and LGBTQIA+ people, cultural inclusion, gender equity, disability access, and the rights of children, young people, and elderly residents.

Ms Coates is also interested in action on climate change, caring for the environment, and making it easier to walk, cycle and catch public transport around Ballarat.

John Stoneman

John Stoneman is standing in Central Ward.

Duncan Smith

Duncan Smith is standing in Central Ward.

Delacombe Ward

Gab Salkowski

Gab Salkowski is a Redan mum of two children and a community services worker.

Since plays local football and netball, volunteers for L2P and ParkRun, and has worked at Headspace and in school wellbeing.

Delacombe Ward candidate Gab Salkowski.
Delacombe Ward candidate Gab Salkowski.

Ms Salkowski’s concerns include food insecurity, housing, and employment issues.

She wants to help make Ballarat a safer place for young people and assist in breaking families out of poverty.

Tracey Hargreaves

Tracey Hargreaves has been a South Ward councillor since 2020.

She owns Absolute Yoga & Pilates and is a part-time teacher at Mount Clear College, raising her own family locally.

Delacombe Ward candidate Tracey Hargreaves.
Delacombe Ward candidate Tracey Hargreaves.

Ms Hargreaves is interested in keeping council focused on the basics and ensuring Delacombe is allocated sufficient resources.

Tom Madden

Tom Madden has experience in infrastructure planning, economic development, and the visitor economy.

Delacombe Ward candidate Tom Madden.
Delacombe Ward candidate Tom Madden.

He says his vision for Ballarat is a vibrant and inclusive city where innovation meets heritage.

His priorities are sustainable growth and local businesses, community wellbeing and safety, and ensuring every voice is heard.

Kalyan Velagala

Kalyan Velagala is standing in Delacombe Ward.

Sebastian Borys

Sebastian Borys is standing in Delacombe Ward.

Delacombe Ward candidate Sebastian Borys.
Delacombe Ward candidate Sebastian Borys.

He has worked in various industries in Ballarat.

Mr Borys says his focus is to listen and take action to build a vibrant city with new ideas.

Golden Point Ward

Mark Harris

Mark Harris has spent a dozen years as a Central Ward councillor and was mayor in 2011.

He was director of St John of God’s emergency department and worked with the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Alfred Hospital.

Golden Point Ward candidate Mark Harris.
Golden Point Ward candidate Mark Harris.

Mr Harris was also an army medical officer in the ADF, deployed to Bougainville and on secondment to the United Nations in East Timor.

He helped manage Covid-19 in nursing homes and public housing.

Tess Morgan

Tess Morgan is standing in Golden Point Ward.

Golden Point Ward candidate Tess Morgan.
Golden Point Ward candidate Tess Morgan.

She believes in getting the basics right first by listening to the residents of Redan, Mount Pleasant, Golden Point, Ballarat East, Eureka, and Canadian.

Ms Morgan is also an advocate for safer lighting and paths.

Adrik Wright

Adrik Wright is a research agronomist working to improve food production.

He has a history of volunteering, including in youth mentoring, community exhibitions, the Ballarat Local Food Coalition and Gardens for Wildlife Ballarat.

Golden Point Ward candidate Adrik Wright.
Golden Point Ward candidate Adrik Wright.

Mr Wright believes nature needs to be protected and nourished.

He promises to fight for improved road safety, climate action, biodiversity, and food security.

Phillip Yordonopulo

Phillip Yordonopulo is standing in Golden Point Ward.

Golden Point Ward candidate Phillip Yordonopulo.
Golden Point Ward candidate Phillip Yordonopulo.

He has worked at the Ballarat Municipal Observatory and Museum.

Ray Borner

Ray Borner is a former NBL and four-time Olympic basketball player.

He has spent the past 24 years in Ballarat, raising his family in Golden Point.

Golden Point Ward candidate Ray Borner.
Golden Point Ward candidate Ray Borner.

Mr Borner is eager to find innovative solutions to make Ballarat a place to live and work, including by giving attention to shared places like parks and sports facilities.

He values unity and team spirit, and says he is committed to fosetering wellbeing and solidarity in Ballarat.

Mr Borner is keen to bring a spirit of progress to the council and respect the needs of community members.

Dion Cartledge

Dion Cartledge is standing in Golden Point Ward.

Josh Whittingham

Josh Whittingham is standing in Golden Point Ward.

Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones is standing in Golden Point Ward.

North Ward

Rebecca McIntosh

Rebecca McIntosh is standing in North Ward.

North Ward candidate Rebecca McIntosh.
North Ward candidate Rebecca McIntosh.

She believes in honesty and doing what’s right for Ballarat.

David Harris

David Harris is a North Ward candidate.

He says his core values are integrity, fairness, and community.

North Ward candidate David Harris.
North Ward candidate David Harris.

Mr Harris has expressed a desire to ensure residents have strong family services, and that the North Ward gets its fair share of council spending on roads.

Jim Rinaldi

Jim Rinaldi is standing in North Ward.

Glenn Rogers

Glenn Rogers is standing in North Ward.

Sebastopol Ward

Des Hudson

Des Hudson has been a South Ward councillor since 2002 and the mayor since 2022.

He is a serving member of Victoria Police and is involved with various community organisations.

Sebastopol Ward candidate Des Hudson.
Sebastopol Ward candidate Des Hudson.

Mr Hudson is focused on community safety and wellbeing and improving Ballarat residents’ quality of life.

He is interested in attracting investment and making sure the city’s infrastructure keeps pace with growth.

Colin Muir

Colin Muir is standing in Sebastopol Ward.

Wendouree Ward

Kristen Justin

Kristen Justin is a candidate for Wendouree Ward.

Wendouree Ward candidate Kristen Justin.
Wendouree Ward candidate Kristen Justin.

She believes in a giving Ballarat a fresh voice for a thriving future.

Ms Justin is focused on making Ballarat a vibrant place to live, with services, facilities, and activities available to residents of all ages.

Jay Morrison

Jay Morrison is standing in Wendouree Ward.

Wendouree Ward candidate Jay Morrison.
Wendouree Ward candidate Jay Morrison.

He believes Ballarat is a wonderful place to live and raise a family thanks to its community, lifestyle, history, public places, nature, and services.

Mr Morrison is a volunteer and believes in community service.

Joshua Morris

Joshua Morris is a teacher at St Patrick’s College, Ballarat, was the city’s mayor in 2013-14 and a member of the Victorian Legislative Council from 2014 to 2018.

Wendouree Ward candidate Joshua Morris.
Wendouree Ward candidate Joshua Morris.

His focus is on the council getting the basics right - roads, rates, and rubbish.

He believes potholes need to be mended, does not support increasing rates, and thinks the council should scrap plans to make weekly rubbish collections fortnightly.

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