
Paedo stepdad jailed for indecent act, incest with stepdaughter

A man has been put behind bars for performing an indecent act and incest with his 11-year-old stepdaughter. You won’t believe the creep’s excuse.

Man jailed for an indecent act with a child aged under 16 and incest with a child of a defacto spouse.
Man jailed for an indecent act with a child aged under 16 and incest with a child of a defacto spouse.

A man who committed an indecent act with his 11-year-old stepdaughter blames a “brain snap” for his disturbing behaviour.

The man — who cannot be named to protect the identity of his victim — has pleaded guilty in the County Court to two charges including performing an indecent act with a child aged under 16 and incest with a child of a defacto spouse.

The court heard in 2013 the man picked up his stepdaughter from school and took her home.

The victim changed out of her school clothes and went into the man’s room he shared with her mum to watch TV in bed.

The stepfather spoke to the victim about her day before lying on the bed underneath the covers with the victim.

He lifted his tracksuit pants and underpants and took the victims hand and placed it onto his penis. The disgusting assault lasted 20 minutes.

Judge Georgiou jailed the man for five years with a minimum sentence of three years before becoming eligible for parole.
Judge Georgiou jailed the man for five years with a minimum sentence of three years before becoming eligible for parole.

A few days later, the man again picked the victim up from school and went home and sexually assaulted her again.

The victim first disclosed the matter to her boyfriend in 2017 and told her mum in February 2018.

A statement was made to the police in September 2018.

The victim’s mum and the man separated shortly after the offending was reported to police.

The stepfather was interviewed by police in October 2018.

The court heard the man said his “judgment wasn’t very good at the time” and if she was going to “engage in this sort of behaviour it was better that she did it with [him] then with someone else”.

In a victim’s impact statement, the stepdaughter said she suffered from depression and anxiety due to the offending and she struggled to sleep, expressing nightmares about being touched.

The man was assessed in June by forensic psychologist David Ball who said that the man was unable to offer any meaningful insight to his behaviour.

The man said to Mr Ball “I don't know, she basically got onto me. I did try and stop. I don’t know what happened. I had a brain snap”.

Judge George Georgiou said the man was in the “position of trust” being the victim’s stepfather.

“You had parental responsibility for the victim,” Judge Georgiou said.

“You breached that trust for no other reason it will seem other than your own sexual gratification”.

Judge Georgiou said the victim was young and there was a “significant age and power imbalance” between them.

The man was sentenced to five years imprisonment with a minimum sentence of three years before becoming eligible for parole.





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