Panahi: Labor candidate’s ‘white privilege’ sledge against voters
The Labor candidate for Dunkley’s “white privilege” analysis of No voters puts her at odds with some 56 per cent of the electorate she seeks to represent.
The Labor candidate for Dunkley’s “white privilege” analysis of No voters puts her at odds with some 56 per cent of the electorate she seeks to represent.
Jacinta Allan’s Labor government is inhabiting a parallel universe if it thinks debt-riddled Victoria — with soaring insolvencies and fewer business start-ups than elsewhere — is “going gangbusters”.
Channel 10’s legal woes have become a soap opera and each new eye-opening revelation highlights how some segments of the media are proudly divorced from reality.
Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney revealed disturbing news this week that suggests the government is pushing ahead with plans to defy the will of the Australian people.
Activists, feckless politicians, sporting bodies and big corporates who shunned Australia Day are joyously marking the Lunar New Year, but how can the race-obsessed malcontent look past China’s litany of crimes?
The Queensland Premier may have giggled like a schoolgirl when asked about the devastating impact of youth crime but at least the Sunshine State government, unlike Victoria’s, has no plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility.
The Marxist malcontents in local government have been delivered a clear message, while the far-Left revealed their ugly side at the Pride March.
Victorians resoundingly voted against the type of racial division that the radical activists camped out in Kings Domain are pushing for.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has apologised to a reporter for his meltdown, but Australians are still waiting for him to apologise for his general inept performance.
It has been clear for some time but to deny the suffering inflicted on women for the ‘crime’ of being Israeli proves the modern feminist movement cares little about women.
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