More people killed in “peaceful protests” in the U.S.
There’ll be no marches, and not much media coverage, for the victims of the violent protests, riots and looting across the U.S.
There’ll be no marches, and not much media coverage, for the victims of the violent protests, riots and looting across the U.S.
One of Trump’s greatest assets is being blessed with deeply stupid enemies. After days of wild rioting egged on by the Left, the President’s haters have handed him an opportunity to restore order, writes Rita Panahi.
Lawless mayhem has taken hold from Minneapolis to Atlanta as protesters resort to violence, looting and arson in reaction to police brutality.
While Twitter cracks down on US President Trump, it allows the Iranian regime to spew its lies and fails to fact-check Chinese government propagandists who are allowed tweet crazy COVID-19 conspiracy theories, writes Rita Panahi.
While much of the media fawn over New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern’s economy-destroying restrictions they ignore the greatest coronavirus success story in the world which has been spearheaded by a remarkable woman in Taiwan, writes Rita Panahi.
Much of the modelling behind the coronavirus lockdowns has proved to be so absurdly wrong that it’s been labelled “worthless”, but it’s been swallowed hook, line and sinker by the alarmist media, writes Rita Panahi.
China has shifted its attention from terrorising its own citizens to punishing any nation that dares stand up to it. And if dare not hold the line, and call out this communist regime’s cover-ups, then we can kiss goodbye the notion of national sovereignty, writes Rita Panahi.
We discuss China’s bullying, economic armageddon, looming public transport strife and who will replace Ben Fordham?
Joel and Brit Selwood’s video wasn’t some grand statement on womanhood. And the couple shouldn’t have deleted it because a few sad souls worked overtime to be offended on Brit’s behalf, writes Rita Panahi.
Why has Melbourne ratepayers’ cash been handed over to far-Left hate mongers Clementine Ford and Catherine Deveny? The move, which comes as the city reinstates parking fees, shows nothing but disdain for property owners, writes Rita Panahi.
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