National cabinet holding the country back
Our PM must show courage on AstraZeneca and challenge the premiers over lockdowns instead of taking the path of least resistance.
Our PM must show courage on AstraZeneca and challenge the premiers over lockdowns instead of taking the path of least resistance.
The states seem determined to out-do each other on draconian lockdown rules but one has raced to the lead, even above Victoria.
Australia’s bungled pandemic roadmap means we still haven’t broached an issue the UK and US have spent months debating.
Victorian schoolchildren have paid a heavy price in the name of Covid safety so it’s time we listen to health advice from someone other than Brett Sutton.
The NSW premier’s claims the Delta variant is a “game-changer” has not been the experience of countries reopening without being close to the vaccination thresholds Australia aims for.
Reason and optimism have been sidelined in favour of whipping up hysteria in the federal government’s new vaccine advertisement.
A portion of our community seems to have lost all sense and compassion in this pandemic, while cruel decisions made by health bureaucrats are applauded for “the greater good”.
We will look back on this pandemic and wonder why so many sophisticated nations ditched common sense and followed China’s lead.
The Covid eradication strategy was ruinous and even its biggest hysteric, Daniel Andrews, now seems to agree.
The rest of the developed world is returning to normal. So when will Australia drop its foolhardy prison island mentality?
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