Huge street party expected if Collingwood wins flag
A MASS street party around the MCG, shutting roads and bringing traffic to a standstill, is expected if Collingwood clinches its 16th premiership on Saturday.
A MASS street party around the MCG, shutting roads and bringing traffic to a standstill, is expected if Collingwood clinches its 16th premiership on Saturday.
COLLINGWOOD president Eddie McGuire has issued a rallying call to Victorians to get behind the Magpie army in the AFL Grand Final as disappointed fans call for a fairer share of ticket allocations.
COLLINGWOOD’S legends are backing their boys in black and white, to win a 16th premiership at the MCG next Saturday if they “stick to the plan’’.
LONG-SUFFERING Dees fans descended on Perth any way possible — via road, train and plane, from as far-flung connections as Singapore, Bali and Darwin, ahead of tomorrow’s West Coast showdown.
IT’S THE hottest ticket in town — a seat at the 2018 AFL Grand Final. And Collingwood fans camped out in the city in a bid to get their hands on some. If you’re lucky enough to have your team in the big clash, we have all you need to know about tickets.
HE was a star forward for both Collingwood and Richmond, but which of Brian Taylor’s former teams is he supporting to win Friday night’s preliminary final?
THE Melbourne Cricket Club has suspended the memberships of three men accused of a vicious bashing after an AFL final this month.
COLLINGWOOD has booked out Margaret Court Arena to accommodate its army of fans who missed out on tickets to Friday night’s preliminary final blockbuster against Richmond.
TEENAGERS would have to play against grown men and boys forced to take on players up to three years older under a contentious proposed shake up of Victorian country football.
A 127-YEAR-OLD tennis club in Melbourne’s southeast has been told its courts will be demolished for a hospital expansion by the Andrews Government, which hasn’t committed to help the club pay for a new centre.
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