Drunk teacher mum crashed twice with kids in car
A Edithvale relief teacher has been busted drink driving twice, both times causing accidents. And she shockingly had her tiny children in the car with her both times.
A Edithvale relief teacher has been busted drink driving twice, both times causing accidents. And she shockingly had her tiny children in the car with her both times.
An alcoholic knocked back a ‘goon bag’ outside a Pakenham house he shouldn’t have been anywhere near. He attacked police officers when they arrested him, and now he is attacking the media.
A Pakenham 20-year-old had a bad start in life, given drugs by his mum before he was even a teen. Eight years later he went on a six-month crime spree, and now he’s spending time behind bars.
A Cranbourne man had just got out after spending close to a year in jail but thought it wise to get in taxi late at night and go and buy drugs. But his panicky perspiration gave him away to police.
A Cranbourne 27-year-old, accused of attacking his ex and turning on her pet dog, will face court again next week, maybe for the final time.
A Frankston concreter who had just spent 12 months in jail for crimes fuelled by ice, should have known better than to bust curfew to see Cranbourne North drug mates to “pick up a phone charger”.
A Nissan Skyline-driving hoon who loves nothing more than pulling of some sick moves in his rig found a rather unappreciative audience during his latest stunt. And it’s put the brakes on his job delivering pizzas for his dad.
A man who was on bail for an alleged attempted burglary is accused of breaking into a Dandenong unit. He then allegedly picked up a kitchen knife and butchered the homeowner’s hand.
He made the wrong call – 18 times – when ringing his girlfriend from custody when he knew he wasn’t allowed to. The Clyde mechanic is back inside, and this time guards are more likely to keep a closer eye on exactly who he phones.
A thug with anger issues hit a female jogger in the back of the head in a bizarre attempted beanie theft, then flew off the handle in Woolies Rye during an attack that descended into a food fight.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/journalists/jon-andrews/page/41