
Frankston junkie Dean Swinkels broke curfew after he was nabbed with ice, GHB at Cranbourne North drug den

A Frankston concreter who had just spent 12 months in jail for crimes fuelled by ice, should have known better than to bust curfew to see Cranbourne North drug mates to “pick up a phone charger”.

Dean Swinkels, who was caught outside a drug house at 1am, said he needed to break curfew to pick up a phone charger.
Dean Swinkels, who was caught outside a drug house at 1am, said he needed to break curfew to pick up a phone charger.

A dreadlocked druggie not long out of jail who was caught busting curfew with ice and GHB in his possession has blamed a flat phone for his crimes.

Dean Gordon Swinkels’ low battery faux-pas turned into a very expensive error after it led to him having to spend another fortnight behind bars and shell out over $4000 in fees and fines.

The 30-year-old Frankston concreter pleaded guilty to six drug possession, driving, bail and Chief Health Officer breach charges at Frankston Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

The court heard Swinkels was a passenger in a car seen by police parked outside a notorious Cranbourne North drug den at 1am on August 19.

When officers searched him they found an ice pipe and a small quantity of meth in his satchel and 20ml of GHB in his jacket.

Swinkels said the reason he was out at 1am was because he had to pick up a phone charger to replenish his battery otherwise he wouldn’t know where his morning job was.

And in June he was caught driving in Croydon Hills while high on ice with an unsecured load of timber in his ute tray.

He also has two drink-driving priors, both over 10 years old, and had been jailed in December 2016 for 12 months for crimes including assaults and drug trafficking.

Swinkels’ defence lawyer said he had “an on-and-off relationship” with ice, and in his own words, knows he “needs to pull his head in”.

She said by being arrested for breaking curfew and possessing drugs he had breached bail so lost a $2000 surety and had to spend 14 days in custody on remand.

Magistrate Gerard Lethbridge said it was a pity he hadn’t learnt anything from a year behind bars.

“You put yourself at risk again (of more jail time) by getting involved again in illicit drugs,” Mr Lethbridge said.

“You are a 30-year-old, it is about time you woke up to yourself.”

Swinkels was convicted and fined a total of $2300, and disqualified from driving for six months.




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