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On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: four more people dead, but what we’re doing seems to be slowly working. Shame on some journalists – and Labor – for spreading panic today by claiming we’re failing. And Ray Hadley scapegoats a health official. Plus a psychiatrist on the mental damage and why people are behaving badly. And some laughs.
Terry McCrann: “New Zealand has just shown exactly what Scott Morrison… should have done on Sunday… NZ will now pay all businesses and all employers — no matter how small and no matter how big — a cash subsidy for every single one of their workers they keep on staff if they have been hit by the virus and the policy decisions taken to fight it.”
Now is not the time. Now is when we stay home to save lives. But Australians will soon ask: is the risk of catching the virus worse than the risk of going broke? We already risk death when we drive to work or go on a building site, operate heavy machinery, serve in the police force or fire brigade, run a farm or work under high stress.
The bad news: three more Australians dead from coronavirus, bringing the toll so far to 11. The potential lesson: this virus remains highly selective in whom it kills. The latest victims are a 68-year-old (some reports say 69) man who had “serious underlying health issues”, and two other men in their 70s. Which suggests a better way to fight this.
Greta Thunberg, the goddess of global warming, is back in the headlines, saying she’s sure she’s got coronavirus, although the symptoms are very mild and she hasn’t got a test. Rowan Dean wonders if the real thing making her ill is a lack of relevance now that the world has got a real crisis to worry about.
There’s too much panic being spread by reckless journalists, not least on the ABC. And by Labor, too. Things are grim, but please don’t despair. Watch my interview with the inspiring Professor Douglas Hilton, head of Victoria’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, which is about to trial a potential vaccine for coronavirus with 2200 health workers.
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The government is right to impose stringent restrictions but at some stage people will start to ask if the risk of getting sick is worse than a dead economy, writes Andrew Bolt.
On The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm: hope at last as the country reels from the coronavirus. Stunning figures suggest we’re getting on top of a virus that’s less fatal than first thought. And I’ll talk to an expert about a potential vaccine that could be rushed out here by mid-winter – if trials work. Plus Greta Thunberg cries for attention.
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