Tell us the news here.
Tell us the news here.
Don’t Australians realise this spending must all be repaid, with interest? “Businesses are expected to be paid a wage subsidy of up to $1,500 per employee… Scott Morrison [has] an unprecedented $66bn rescue package — including … giving small businesses new subsidies… Tenants will be saved from evictions.” Our future is being crippled.
This morning’s figures show the rate of spread of the coronavirus has dropped even more – now to just 7 per cent. It used to be between 25 and 35 per cent until early last week. Deaths are just 17, after a woman in her 80s died in Tasmania. The youngest of the dead was 68, and had serious underlying health issues.
The latest figures show the coronavirus has stopped spreading as fast as it did for the first few weeks. We had daily rates of increase of between 25 and 35 per cent. In the last four days of last week it slowed to between 13 and 15 per cent. In the last 24 hours, even better: 9.1 per cent. UPDATE: It’s slowing fast in Italy, too.
Things have changed with this coronavirus panic. Now Australians can be back at work within two weeks.If we keep our blunderbuss approach of closing thousands of business and telling all Australians to stay home, the suffering will be enormous. Here are five reasons why we can now stop forcing millions of fit and young Australians to stay at home.
How dangerously quick we were to panic about the coronavirus, particularly after watching Italy. Sure, that was understandable … at first. Italy recorded its first death from the virus on February 21. Just 21 days later, it had 1266 deaths. But nothing like that was happening here. Yet we had terrifying claims of tens of thousands of deaths.
Chris Mitchell and Sara Belligoni explore why Italy has a far higher rate of dying from the coronavirus than Australia. Factors: more sociable, more smokers, older, more antibiotic resistance, higher retirement age, more density of living. And the old are more likely to live with their children. Read on: we’re not about to become another Italy.
Tell us the news here, as Australians are confined to home detention: “A limit [has been] imposed of only two people gathering in public spaces, older citizens urged to stay at home and children banned from playgrounds.” Do we really not have the brains to find a better way?
It’s too soon to say if we’ve overreacted to the coronavirus in Australia, yet with just 16 deaths so far, it’s easy to think this virus has caused less suffering than our panicked reaction to it, writes Andrew Bolt.
If we keep our blunderbuss approach of closing business and self-isolating, the suffering from coronavirus will be enormous. So here are five reasons why we can stop forcing millions of fit, young and frustrated Aussies to stay home, writes Andrew Bolt.
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