

Top Telstra exec ‘sacked’ over secret hook-ups

A Telstra exec was caught out with a raft of employee mistresses that he’d supplied with burner phones for extra-curricular hook ups.

A Telstra exec was allegedly sacked after he provided burner phones for multiple employee mistresses. Getty Images
A Telstra exec was allegedly sacked after he provided burner phones for multiple employee mistresses. Getty Images

Telstra has hit speed dial on its zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment, amid revelations two senior managers were “terminated” following concerns about their extra-curricular hook ups.

It’s no secret corporates have been getting their house in order since the #metoo movement came calling.

Pity it’s taken Scott Morrison so long to find the directory.

Rumours have been swirling for months about the activities inside the telco giant’s headquarters.

There was the one about an executive supplying burner phones along with Telstra contracts so he could make er, personal calls to his female hires.

His executive assistant, who also had a burner, became aware of the other phones and blew his cover.

But credit where credit is due. There was no robo response when Page 13 went to Telstra looking for answers.

In an extraordinary statement, not usually seen in the corporate world, Telstra didn’t just slam down the phone.

Instead group executive of transformation, communications and people, Alex Badenoch, came on the line quickly and strongly.

“There are times when people just do not behave appropriately and someone is harassed or discriminated against.

“This is totally unacceptable – one woman, one person harmed is too many,” Badenoch told Page 13.

Telstra confirmed one executive was “sacked” over allegations he made “sexually suggestive statements using Telstra property”.

And a second executive was “terminated” following a sexual harassment complaint.

A Federal Court case relating to the complaint was later settled out of court.

The Herald Sun is not suggesting the allegations are true, only that they’ve been made.

The two executives were ‘sacked’, according to Telstra.
The two executives were ‘sacked’, according to Telstra.

Telstra has also warned staff that any sexual relationship between senior managers and staff must be declared.

Telstra had “a zero tolerance” policy towards harassment.

“We didn’t receive a formal complaint about (Executive A),” said a Telstra statement, “but we became aware of inappropriate workplace behaviour.

“There was no allegation of sexual harassment, but we decided that his behaviour, including making sexually suggestive statements using Telstra property (systems/phones) led to him being sacked, with no settlement or confidentiality.”

When asked about a sexual harassment complaint lodged by a former staffer against Executive B, the company said a complaint was “taken very seriously and we investigated it fully. Following the investigations, a range of issues were identified which led to (Executive B’s) employment being terminated.”

The cases at Telstra came to light as debate continues across the country about the treatment of women in federal parliament and the workplace.

Both men departed in 2018, with Executive A taking up a new job with a global business consultancy in New York.

Executive B now works as a senior principal at the same business, based in Sydney.

Executive A denied Telstra’s claims, saying he left Telstra for personal reasons.

“I’m not sure where this is coming from but it’s not true,” he wrote in response to questions.

“I left Telstra for personal reasons and nothing to do with sexual harassment or anything suggestive in nature. I’m sorry, but this is not right.”

Executive B, who has his own website where he posts photographs of himself around Sydney, has denied wrongdoing.

“Federal Circuit Court of Australia has dismissed the sexual harassment case against Telstra and (me),” he wrote in a blog post on the site.

“The process concluded ... no fault in this matter.”

A former Telstra executive has raised concerns about the previous culture at Telstra, making the extraordinary statement that “the culture at Telstra HQ makes Parliament House look like a garden party”.

In 2007, Telstra sacked Carlie Streeter for having sex in a Sydney hotel room where other employees were present following a belated staff Christmas party.

She was also seen naked in the bath with two other male Telstra employees.

Ms Streeter took the case to the Industrial Relations Commission, the forerunner to the Fair Work Commission and won her job back, as well as lost wages.

But the company appealed and the IRC found in favour of Telstra in 2009.

Streeter’s lawyer described the decision as “un-Australian.”

Telstra said this week: “We recognise that there will be times that our decisions are challenged but we need to take strong actions that are in line with our policy and values.

“As an employer, if we let concern over potential appeals guide our decision making, we run the risk of not taking clear action on these matters when that is what is required.”

Hold the phone!

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