
Justin Lacko arrested on Christmas Day for being drunk

Reality TV model Justin Lacko was arrested on Christmas Day for being drunk in a public place.

Lacko in I'm A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!
Lacko in I'm A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!

I’M A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here star Justin Lacko has had a Christmas to forget after being arrested on Christmas morning for being drunk in a public place.

The former Love Island pin-up had been out with friends on Christmas Eve in the Melbourne suburb of Windsor before his night came to an unfortunate end, it could be said, because of too much Christmas spirit.

Sometime after the clock ticked past midnight and in the early hours of Christmas Day the reality TV regular came to the attention of police.

Lacko isn’t commenting on his run-in with the law.
Lacko isn’t commenting on his run-in with the law.

While Santa Claus was delivering presents to sleeping children, Victoria Police officers were delivering news of a different kind to Lacko outside a Windsor pub - that he was being arrested.

The incident was captured on social media by unkind types who clearly were not feeling goodwill to all men.

“Prahran Police arrested a 30-year-old Doveton man after he was located outside a licenced premises in Windsor early Friday morning (25 December). The man was issued a penalty notice for being drunk in a public place,” Victoria Police confirmed in a statement yesterday.

An angry Lacko declined to comment when contacted yesterday saying he did not give permission for the story to run.

It has no doubt been a tough year for Lacko, who is a model and concreter when not doing reality TV.

The fashion industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 lockdown as was TV production.

He has also been vocal on social media with his frustration at the lockdown making it difficult for him to travel to Western Australia to see his young son, Leo.

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