
Mason Cox says bring on quarantine hubs for players

Collingwood’s Mason Cox has welcomed the idea of a quarantine hub for AFL players, revealed his feelings on TikTok and explained why he’s backing hugs for healthcare workers.

Collingwood player Mason Cox is supporting a new campaign called Hugs and Heroes. Picture: Tony Gough
Collingwood player Mason Cox is supporting a new campaign called Hugs and Heroes. Picture: Tony Gough

Collingwood big man Mason Cox says he supports going into a quarantine hub which would give him a better way of life.

In isolation on his own, Cox said it would be a welcome change to be around teammates.

The plan for footy’s return is expected to involve hubs where players are based for at least six weeks.

“I’m fine with it, it’s not really any different for me’’ he said.

“It’s just staying somewhere else. For everyone else who have kids, girlfriends and dogs, I understand. I’ll have a very different experience to everyone else — I’ll have more social interaction than I do now. If it gets us back sooner, then I’m happy to do it.”

Cox has been keeping busy making podcasts, videos and watching some TV.

He has so far avoided the TikTok craze, unlike his crafty coach Nathan Buckley.

The 211cm Texan agrees the social media video platform is a fun quarantine activity, but he’s not giving it a go any time soon.

Collingwood player Mason Cox is supporting a new campaign called Hugs and Heroes. Picture: Tony Gough
Collingwood player Mason Cox is supporting a new campaign called Hugs and Heroes. Picture: Tony Gough

“I have heard Bucks’ ability on TikTok is fairly elite,’’ Cox said.

“But I’m more interested in how long it took, that’s the real question behind it.

“Quarantine is the time to do one. But I’ve learned one thing in life and that is tall people don’t dance. If you’re over 6 foot 4 (inches) I’ve never seen anyone bust a move.

“I’m going to try and stay away from it, but who knows maybe at some point I’ll be roped into something.”

Cox has one more hurdle to complete before becoming an Australian citizen. He said he was shocked to see Americans ignoring advice.

“Some of the stuff is phenomenal coming out of the US at the moment,’’ he said.

“I spoke to my family and they are dumbfounded that people around them are just ignoring all advice.”

Closer to home Cox is supporting a new campaign called Hugs and Heroes.

Every hug in a mug and healthcare heroes T-shirt buys a coffee for a healthcare worker via “Buy Them a Coffee” and six meals for people in need via OzHarvest.

“A lot of my friends are doing thank you cards to healthcare workers to say thank you for what they’re having to deal with,’’ Cox said.

“It’s pretty cool. It’s tough to isolate and some have to properly isolate from their families so the sacrifices they are making is phenomenal. It’s great to be able to show some appreciation back to them.”



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