
Real-life rock star experience for Melbourne teens

A BRUNSWICK East music program is giving these teens a taste of real muso life with the chance to record their own album.

From left: Ella (bass), Pearl (guitar), PJ (bass) and Francesca (Drums, Tambourine). Picture: Tony Gough
From left: Ella (bass), Pearl (guitar), PJ (bass) and Francesca (Drums, Tambourine). Picture: Tony Gough

THESE teens will hit the high notes when they take to the studio to record an album of original music this year.

The high school-aged participants of the Brunswick East music program, YoWo, will record their own songs, with the backing of a $10,000 grant from Creative Victoria.

Albert Park College year 11 student Pearl, 17, thought the opportunity was “really cool”.

“It gives us the experience of being in a studio and knowing how it all works and most people wouldn’t at this age be able to do this,” the guitar player said.

“I never realised before this that music could be a forever job.”

YoWo co-founder Lena Douglas, 24, said the program was about bridging the divide between young men and women in the industry.

“We noticed that there was a big gap between the numbers of girls in primary school playing music and then the number of women in tertiary-level music education,” she said.

“Going through this whole process will give them an insight into a real musician’s life.

“They’ll gain skills in writing, recording and the knowledge of how to release music.”

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