
Victoria doubles down on outdoor activity ban, latest coronavirus death linked to hospital cluster

All outdoor activities except for daily exercise have been banned by the state government, after community confusion over stage three shutdown measures. It comes after the state’s latest coronavirus death was revealed to be the third fatality linked to The Alfred Hospital’s blood cancer unit.

Coronavirus latest: 'Miracle drugs' on the way to Aus and Samuel L. Jackson's blunt message

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All outdoor activities except “basic exercise” have been banned by the state government, after Victorians expressed confusion about the stage three shutdown measures.

It comes as a cancer patient linked to a coronavirus cluster at The Alfred Hospital became the sixth Victorian to die from coronavirus.

The death of the woman, aged in her 60s, is the second Victorian death attributed to the pandemic today.

This morning Dr Sutton announced a woman in her 70s had also died in a Melbourne hospital, while a Geelong brothel and a female escort are the latest to cop hefty fines from police for disobeying pleas to stay at home.


The state government has doubled down on bans on outdoor activities, banning “all recreational activities beyond basic exercise”.

Amid community concern and confusion over bans on outdoor recreational pursuits including fishing and boating, Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton said people must stay at home.

“Unfortunately, this means no fishing, no hunting, no boating, no camping, and no golf,” Professor Sutton said.

“Hang up your rods, leave the tinnie in the driveway, and clean your clubs at home.

“We ask Victorians to stop looking for loopholes. Just do the right thing. The advice is clear; by staying at home you’re saving lives.

“These restrictions are tough, but they are there for a reason.

“If we don’t do this, Victorians will die. No round of golf or gym session with your mate is worth that cost.”

Premier Daniel Andrews has repeatedly reminded Victorians “if you can stay at home, you must stay at home.”

His stage three restrictions in force since Monday ban people from leaving home except for food and supplies, medical care and caregiving, exercise, and work or education.

Individuals risk on-the-spot fines of $1,652 or a maximum penalty of $20,000 if prosecuted in court.

“Physical distancing will save lives. Everyone needs to comply with restrictions in place to keep yourself, your loved ones and the whole community safe,” Professor Sutton said.

“Our message is clear: Stay home. Protect our Health System. Save Lives.”


Another patient linked to a COVID-19 cluster in The Alfred Hospital’s blood cancer unit has died.

The woman in her 60s passed away last night, five days after two other patients in The Alfred’s haematology and oncology ward died after contracting coronavirus.

Another two cancer patients who have tested positive to COVID-19 remain in a stable condition in the hospital.

10 staff connected to the ward have also become infected with COVID-19 and are recovering at home.

Alfred Health chief executive Prof Andrew Way said the ward remained closed to new admissions, with stringent infection control measures in place.

“Our thoughts are with the family and friends of our patient, who passed away yesterday,” Prof Way said.

“Our Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention teams have supported us to put the most stringent plan into place, and we remain completely focused on the wellbeing of our patients and staff as this pandemic unfolds.”

The hospital this week introduced wider restrictions to visitors, with temperature screening of all visitors also now in place.

Visiting hours have been reduced to a four-hour window each day with only one visitor allowed to see each patient for a maximum of one hour.

The woman’s death brings the state’s total to six deaths.

It follows the announcement of a fifth death earlier today, that of a woman in her 70s.

Victoria has now confirmed 1036 coronavirus cases with 57 new cases confirmed overnight.

Community transmission cases have soared by more than 45 per cent in Victoria overnight.


Labor MPS will donate their upcoming pay rises to COVID-19 related causes amid calls for a politician pay freeze.

Premier Daniel Andrews, all other Labor MPs, and Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien are due to receive an 4.8 per cent pay rise on July 1.

Mr O’Brien has called for a pay freeze for all politicians.

In response the government today announced all Labor MPs would make donations to COVID-19 related causes equivalent to the uplift in their take home pay for 12 months.

The government has called on all other parties to do the same with backbenchers set to receive a more modest 3.5 per cent bump.

The pay rise will see Mr Andrews become the best paid premier in Australia, taking his wage to $441,000.

Mr O’Brien said given the COVID-19 pandemic it was inappropriate for any politician to receive a pay boost.

But he stopped short of calling for a pay cut.

“There is a pay cut in real terms, because while inflation goes up if you freeze wages, that’s the reduction in real terms,” he said.

“The federal government has said they’ll be frozen, I think that’s the right lead to follow.”

Federal finance minister Mathias Cormann has indicated a pay freeze for Commonwealth politicians as well as ministerial staff, judges ad top public servants.

The pay rises were set by the independent Remuneration Tribunal — designed by the government and made up of three career public servants.


An EL AL Israel Airlines flight from Tel Aviv is due to arrive in Melbourne tonight bringing an unknown number of Australians home.

The plane, organised by the Israeli government, will fly Israelis back home soon after.

And a mercy flight to rescue Australians and New Zealanders stranded in Nepal arrived in Brisbane on Thursday morning.

Passengers will be required to self-isolate under close monitoring for 14 days.

49,000 Victorians have been screened for coronavirus. Picture: James Ross/AAP
49,000 Victorians have been screened for coronavirus. Picture: James Ross/AAP


Society’s lack of mathematics know-how may have led to mass hoarding and a poor understanding of the pandemic, leading experts say.

People’s inability to calculate how many rolls of toilet paper they’d use for extended periods, or not knowing how far 1.5 metres was for safe physical distancing, may have caused poor responses during the crisis.

Monash University lecturer in mathematics education, Dr Jennifer Hall, said people’s inability to estimate and extrapolate the supplies they needed led to irrational behaviour.

“If you asked Joe Blow on the street how much toilet paper they use in a week, they wouldn’t know,” Dr Hall said.

“If you don’t understand something, you buy into the hype.”

She said an improvement in people’s numeracy skills could have reduced public disorder.

Dr Hall heard a broadcaster on commercial radio incorrectly estimate that 1.5m was an “arm’s length” from another person.

Social media had also been thriving with people comparing Australia’s COVID-19 cases to other countries despite extreme variations in population, density, demographics and health care.

“You can’t extrapolate like that, there’s too many variables,” Dr Hall said.

Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute director Tim Brown said “nothing could further illustrate how valuable math, statistics and interpretation of data is than what has happened in this pandemic”.

“It’s a core skill for daily life,” Professor Brown said.

“It goes to being able to interpret graphs, to see how things are growing at a rate that’s terrifyingly high.”

Prof Brown said much like a virus can spread, rumours about toilet paper can do exactly the same thing.

“One person getting anxious will spread that anxiety and it’s going to lead to exponential growth of anxiety in the public.”

He said the importance of mathematics and sciences has never been demonstrated more greatly.

“We know in the future, so many careers are going to rely on data science,” he said.


Victoria Police Operation Sentinel officers raided a Belmont brothel yesterday to find the business open and accepting clients.

Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton scorned the business for ignoring COVID-19 restrictions, as well as the “traffic jam” of customers who were attempting to access its services.

“It astounds me, ignorance is not an excuse,” DC Patton said.

“To have that contact with people when we shouldn’t be having contact with anyone, it’s just so reckless.

“That is absolutely insane in this current environment.”

The brothel was fined close to $10,000 and was one of thirteen who were fined on Wednesday.

Geelong Superintendent Craig Gillard said police had observed the brothel after being tipped off by members of the public.

“We’ve got to say it was clearly evident to us that there was significant patronage and police are continuing their investigations around that and further fines may be issued.”

Sup Gillard said people who attended the brothel could also face individual fines.

“They are failing to adhere to the social distancing provisions set by the government and they also leave themselves exposed,” he said.

“We all know the guidelines – they’ve been articulated well through the media, through the Premier and others.”

Community transmission cases have soared in Victoria
Community transmission cases have soared in Victoria


Victorian health authorities this morning revealed the state now has 57 cases of unexplained community transmission – up from just 39 yesterday.

Thirty-six COVID-19 patients are being treated in Victorian hospitals, including six in intensive care.

Only one traveller in Victoria has tested positive since the new hotel quarantine rules came in.

The Australian death toll now stands at 24, with an 85-year-old Queensland man also passing away overnight.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos did not rule out stage four measures coming into place.

“When we look today at a significant jump in community transmission, that is concerning,” she said.

“We want to ensure the community follows all of these stringent measures … and there may need to be further measures put in place.”

Are you one of the many Victorians who have recovered from coronavirus? We want to hear from you. Please email:


Ms Mikakos also reminded Victorians about the threat of the flu.

“The flu can cause serious illness and also death. So it’s important that while Victorians are rightly concerned about coronavirus, they also get their annual flu jab” she said.

“It is a legally valid reason for people to leave their home and workplace if they are participating in a flu vaccination program”

“The last thing people want is a double whammy of the flu and COVID-19 at the same time.”

Ms Mikakos dodged questions on whether pollies would take 11.8 per cent payrise.

Up to 6 people connected to a Frankston radiology clinic have tested positive for coronavirus. Victoria’s chief health officer Dr Brett Sutton said more than 100 of the state’s frontline healthcare workers were now infected.

“The specifics for Peter Mac and the radiology setting will be investigated and we will try and determine where it has been acquired,” he said.

“But our key actions at the moment are to identify the close contacts to ensure they are quarantined and there is no further transmission.

“A majority of healthcare workers have picked it up outside the workplace (via) international travel, close contacts.”






Prisoners could be freed months earlier if they behave during coronavirus lockdowns.

But Corrections Commissioner Emma Cassar told the Herald Sun this arrangement is a “privilege, not a right” and vowed to deprive prisoners who act out during the crisis.

It comes as tensions rise within the state’s maximum-security prisons, where the worst inmates have been agitated by visitor bans and even become “paranoid” they could die of the virus.

Prison staff fear a long-term lockdown could tip some over the edge.

‘’They all know they’re going to be in lockdown for months,’’ a prison source said

“Some of them are trying to settle old scores before that happens. It’s getting pretty hairy out there.”

Prisons including Melbourne Assessment Prison and Metropolitan Remand Centre and Port Phillip Prison are already in partial lockdown.

Under corrections law, prisoners can claim up to four days off their sentence for each day spent in isolation – meaning they could be released months earlier.


Childcare will be free for all Australians in a major relief package expected to help one million families and keep the sector alive during the coronavirus crisis.

With childcare centres on the brink of collapse, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has intervened to keep the sector open and provide crucial care for families that need it.

From Sunday night, care will be free, with the existing rebate and subsidy system switched off during the pandemic.

Under the plan, the government will pay half of the sector’s fee revenue up to existing hourly caps, based on their operations before parents started withdrawing their children as Australians were forced to work from home.

The childcare sector is also expected to receive more than $1 billion in wage subsidy payments through the government’s $130 billion JobKeeper scheme.


Residents in Melbourne’s west are up in arms after being told to drop excess household rubbish off at an Altona depot on Saturday.

Hobsons Bay council recently went to fortnightly collection for general waste but because so many people are now at home, the bins have been filling up quicker.

But rather than reverting to weekly collections, the council told households to ferry their overflowing rubbish to the operations centre in Sugar Gum Drive.

Residents said the council move flies in the face of government advice to stay home.

Resident Kim Herriman described the council move as a “ridiculous and dangerous idea’’.


Victoria’s hospital system will run at full capacity after the state government struck a deal with private hospitals to prepare for a COVID-19 pandemic peak.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said today an agreement had been finalised to support Victorian private hospitals to relieve pressure on the public health system.

It comes after Premier Daniel Andrews yesterday announced a $1.3 billion cash injection into the health system to add 4,000 intensive care unit beds into hospitals.

The deal follows a guarantee from the Commonwealth to ensure the viability of all private hospitals after the suspension of all non-urgent surgery tomorrow.

Private hospitals involved include St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Epworth HealthCare, Cabrini Health, Ramsay Health Care, St John of God Health Care, Healthscope and Health Care Australia.

“This agreement we have secured will ensure our health system is working at full capacity during the pandemic,” Ms Mikakos said.

“Our whole healthcare sector has a vital role to play in fighting coronavirus – and this deal ensures we have one system of care.”

“We look forward to working in partnership with our private and public healthcare providers to ensure Victoria is ready to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.”

The government has also hired 200 nurses from Epworth and Cabrini hospitals to undertake contact-tracing work – identifying public exposure sites and close contacts.

No to recreational fishing


`A City of Wyndham councillor wants a 10 per cent cut in rates due to coronavirus impacts.

Cr Intaj Khan said Wyndham residents needed support to give them confidence that the council “has got your back and that we are all in this together”

“Due to coronavirus some of them are not able to even make essential payments and they expect local governments to assist in this serious situation including financially,” said Cr Khan’s motion to go before a council meeting next Tuesday.

Opposition local government spokesman Tim Smith has called on all councils to consider a rate freeze for this financial year, but with the state government to help councils with loss of revenue.

“Many Victorians are facing a period of employment instability and rate relief would help ease the financial burden and ensure they can stay in their own homes,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Australian Services Union is fighting moves by councils to stand down staff who have no work to do due coronavirus fears shutting down many services and facilities.

City of Hume CEO Domenic Isola told staff via a video message that hundreds would be stood down due to lack of work.

Mr Isola said that for the first fortnight staff would be fully paid through special leave but then would be asked to use their normal leave entitlements while the situation continued.

He said that once leave was used up they could no longer be paid, but once the pandemic was over “everyone’s job comes back”.

ASU state secretary Lisa Darmanin said it was disgusting for Hume to stand-down workers when they could still contribute to Hume’s communities.

“Hume is in a strong financial position with over $1.8 billion in accumulated surpluses with the capacity to maintain employment across the city,” she said.

“These workers need to be immediately reinstated by Hume and Premier Dan Andrews needs to send the strongest message to council that mass stand-downs like this are not on.”


Households and businesses in financial stress during the coronavirus crisis have been guaranteed their electricity and gas will not be disconnected as part of a new relief package.

The nation’s energy giants will also deliver much-needed savings on bills for those facing hardship in an effort to help customers through “extraordinarily tough times”.

Struggling businesses could save as much as $1000 over the next three months, as network charges are waived by electricity and gas transmission, and distribution companies.

Families on government support payments will also receive savings, with those charges — typically 20 per cent of total bills — either refunded or deferred in hardship plans set up by energy retailers.

Energy Networks Australia chief executive Andrew Dillon will today unveil the plan.

And with many Victorians now working from home, the companies responsible for our poles, wires and gas pipes have vowed to reduce the frequency and duration of blackouts for upgrade works.

Small businesses forced to “hibernate” will receive rebates for network charges for three months, and small businesses that are forced to close — such as restaurants, pubs and gyms — will be spared disconnection and reconnection fees.

Families in financial stress and receiving government support payments will also receive network charge rebates if they pay for electricity or gas through smaller retailers.

Federal energy minister Taylor had called on the industry to act to help those struggling with the economic impact of the virus. Picture: AAP
Federal energy minister Taylor had called on the industry to act to help those struggling with the economic impact of the virus. Picture: AAP

For struggling families with large retailers, the transmission and distribution companies will defer network charges for three months, which will also reduce costs.

It comes after the nation’s energy retailers agreed to improve access to hardship programs and provide more payment extensions and repayment options.

Mr Dillon said the relief package would help retailers provide better assistance to those facing hardship.

“Networks understand these are extraordinarily tough times for small business and energy bill relief will really help,” he said.

“Networks know it is in everyone’s interest to support small businesses through what is an extremely challenging period.”

Mr Dillon vowed to work with retailers to “ensure the benefits of this package flow through to customers smoothly”.

“Networks and retailers realise it’s important the industry pulls together to support the many small businesses and households who will face growing challenges over the months ahead,” he said.

For small businesses to be eligible to have the charges waived, their electricity and gas consumption must be less than a quarter of what it was in the same period last year.

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor had called on the industry to help those struggling with the economic effect of the virus.

“We expect energy companies to look after their customers, keep them connected and waive additional fees and charges for those doing it tough,” he said last week.

The move to reduce or defer network costs comes as energy retailers consider how to ease power price burdens during COVID-19.

Tango Energy has announced it will cut prices from tomorrow, by as much as 15 per cent.

Chief executive Domenic Capomolla said wholesale energy price increases approved by the regulator last year would be ignored and instead, charges would be reduced.

This was being done despite the fact that extra costs of rebuilding infrastructure such as poles and wires post-bushfires were also likely to drive up retailer costs.

“We started the year with devastating bushfires and flood engulfing Australia, which was bad enough, and now we’re seeing people’s livelihoods and health being impacted by this just unprecedented event,” Mr Capomolla said.

“We realise a lot of Australians are doing it tough and we want to do what we can to ease the burden on households during a very uncertain time.”

Mr Capomolla said households isolating could try to reduce costs further by turning off any old second fridges in the garage, turning off appliances rather than keeping them on standby, and changing the heating thermostat.

web corona virus critical curves
web corona virus critical curves


Geelong researchers have begun testing vaccines that could potentially protect people against COVID-19, a critical milestone in the fight against coronavirus.

The CSIRO has started conducting the preclinical trials on ferrets at its high-containment facility – the Australian Animal Health Laboratory – in Newcomb.

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a global group that aims to derail epidemics by speeding up the development of vaccines, earlier this year engaged the CSIRO to help in its COVID-19 mission.

In consultation with the World Health Organisation (WHO), CEPI has identified vaccine candidates from The University of Oxford (UK) and Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. (US) to undergo the first preclinical trials at the CSIRO.

Further vaccine candidate trials are likely to follow.


Wimbledon has been cancelled for the first time since World War II due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The world-famous tennis tournament was due to begin on June 29, but now won’t take place until next year, organisers said in a statement on Thursday.

The official announcement came after weeks of speculation the game’s most iconic tournament would have to be postponed indefinitely. The German Tennis Federation even jumped the gun by declaring earlier this week that the All England Tennis Club would have to shut down.

Despite all the warning signs, the tennis world wasn’t ready to lose its most prestigious event.

Roger Federer was among the first to react to the crushing blow, which leaves the 38-year-old facing the reality that he may never play at Wimbledon again.


Childcare operators have warned they are on the “brink of financial collapse” as centres and parents plead for the federal government to protect the sector.

Early childhood educators fear once the COVID-19 disaster has passed, smaller centres may not re-open — limiting places for parents trying to re-enter the workforce. This could further delay the country’s economic recovery.

The looming crisis is expected to be addressed during tomorrow’s National Cabinet meeting, including whether fee structures can be altered to protect enrolments.

Cheryl Shigrov, founder of Precious Cargo, said mass withdrawals from her 12 childcare centres had crippled family fee revenue as well as the Child Care Subsidy.

“With this enormous financial loss to our business, which is expected to continue for some time, I simply don’t know how we can keep our doors open next week, and continue to pay staff, rent and other outgoings,” she said.

Precious Cargo staff Lalita Karate with Daivik, 4, Jenny Antoniou with Antonia, 1, and Caitlin Smith with Ayman, 1. Picture: Mark Stewart
Precious Cargo staff Lalita Karate with Daivik, 4, Jenny Antoniou with Antonia, 1, and Caitlin Smith with Ayman, 1. Picture: Mark Stewart

She said a first step for a rescue would be to let operators waive parent gap fees and pay the Child Care Subsidy to cover March 1 enrolments.

Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan said the government had increased the number of days for which families could claim an absence, so centres would still receive the Child Care Subsidy, and a broader plan would be announced in coming days.

Nicolette Karazisis, who manages Kingston Kids Pre-School and Childcare Centre, said a requirement to charge gap fees to families keeping children at home was “destroying the enrolments of the entire childcare sector”.

“The state and federal governments have sent out a very clear message to all Australians to stay home. In listening to this message, concerned families are keeping their children home, however they are still being charged a gap fee,” she said.

Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan said the government had increased the number of days for which families could claim an absence. Picture: AAP
Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan said the government had increased the number of days for which families could claim an absence. Picture: AAP

Ms Karazisis said the fee was “not sustainable for many” and led to withdrawals, and this was now snowballing into a “catastrophic” situation.

“Our families are deeply concerned. she said. “If they lose their enrolments, then they will find it extremely difficult to re-enter the workforce.

“Many mothers of Kingston Kids have only just re-entered the workforce after their maternity leave. If we are forced to close due to lack of enrolments, then these mothers will be forced to make career sacrifices.”

Federal Opposition early childhood education spokeswoman Amanda Rishworth said urgent intervention was needed to avoid a situation where there are “families without child care, early educators and directors without a job, and providers without a business”.

“If we are faced with a shortage of childcare places on the other side of this crisis, it will have a devastating effect on families as they try to return to work,” she said.

Mr Tehan said the government’s $130 billion wage subsidy program would also help childcare operators keep employees in jobs.


About 30,000 European Union citizens are stranded in Australia and want to go home as a major airline announces tens of thousands of extra flights.

Figures seen by the Herald Sun show 7828 people have registered in Sydney, 5711 in Melbourne, 4932 in Brisbane, 3398 in Perth, 938 in Adelaide and 139 in Canberra.

They are all from European countries in the so-called Schengen zone that allows visa-free travel within that area.

Germany is the biggest source with 5580 stranded, then France with 5124, the Netherlands (2441), Ireland (2230), Sweden (1290) and Belgium (1186).

Qatar Airways is offering an extra 48,000 seats, or an extra 28 flights, to get Australians home and foreigners back to their countries. Picture: AAP
Qatar Airways is offering an extra 48,000 seats, or an extra 28 flights, to get Australians home and foreigners back to their countries. Picture: AAP

Among those wanting to fly out of Melbourne are 1300 Germans, 1255 French citizens, 700 Irish and 616 Dutch.

The UK, which recently left the EU, was never part of the Schengen zone.

Qatar Airways is offering an extra 48,000 seats, or an extra 28 flights, to get Australians home and foreigners back to their countries.

The airline now has three flights a day from Doha to Sydney, two into Melbourne, two into Perth and one daily flight into Brisbane. Qatar’s Adelaide and Canberra routes are currently suspended.


The Victorian government will monitor the impact of the coronavirus pandemic before announcing its interim emissions reduction targets.

The interim targets for 2025 and 2030 were due to be set this week.

Climate change legislation introduced by the government in 2017 now requires the targets to be announced within 10 parliamentary sitting days.

The government has legislated for net emissions by 2050 and interim emissions reduction targets every five years to help meet this goal.

“We are carefully monitoring the impacts of coronavirus on our economy, industry and our emissions, which are still unknown and unfolding,” a government spokesperson said.

“We will deliver on our target of net zero emissions by 2050 and will have more to say on interim-targets in due course.”

A report by former Labor climate change minister Greg Comber has recommended a 32-39 per cent reduction on 2005 pollution levels by 2025, and a 45-60 per cent reduction by 2030.





— With additional reporting by Olivia Shying, Brianna Travers, Matthew Johnston and John Masanauska

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