
Coronavirus: Parliament recalled amid warning vaccine could take 18 months

Federal parliament will resume to consider the JobKeeper legislation so cash can start flowing to businesses. It comes as one of the nation’s top health chiefs say the virus will only be defeated with a vaccine.

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Federal parliament will resume for a special sitting next Wednesday to consider the JobKeeper legislation so cash can start flowing to businesses as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken to Labor leader Anthony Albanese about the matter with the final details yet to be decided.

More than 452,236 businesses applied to access the wage subsidy in the first three days since it was announced.

The subsidy is expected to hit businesses on May 1, but will be backdated to March 30 meaning employers can pay workers $1,500 a fortnight now and get reimbursed once the measure kicks in.

Healthcare worker Vanessa Chang in the Coronavirus screening clinic at Cabrini private hospital. Picture: AAP
Healthcare worker Vanessa Chang in the Coronavirus screening clinic at Cabrini private hospital. Picture: AAP

It comes as one of the nation’s top health chiefs has revealed Australia’s coronavirus curve is “flattening” but that it was vital that people still continue following social distancing guidelines.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly advised all Australians to get their seasonal flu shots as quickly as possible.

He warned “it is not time to take the foot off the brake” when it comes to strict social isolation measures.

Dr Kelly pointed to the 4860 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Australia, with 20 reported deaths.

“We haven’t had a large increase in the last 24 hours although the numbers continue to increase,” Dr Kelly said. “We are continuing to get more cases but the curve is flattening and rather than thinking about a peak we should be thinking about a long haul. That’s really the most important thing.

“This is very good news but it is not time to take the foot off the brake. We need to continue those measures, possibly for some months.”

Dr Kelly said he did not think Australia could eliminate the COVID-19 virus without a vaccine, but cautioned it could take between 12 to 18 months.


Rapid finger-prick blood tests for COVID-19 tests aren’t accurate and may miss people in the early stages of infection, the Royal Australian College of pathologists has warned.

Multiple companies are rolling out the superfast pin prick tests that can take as little as 15 minutes to deliver a result, but they only pick up COVID-19 once a person has developed antibodies to the virus.

“Patients may only make antibodies to COVID-19 infection a week to 12 days after they first become sick, therefore, if doctors rely on these rapid tests early in the disease, their diagnosis will be wrong,” president of The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Dr Michael Dray said.

COVID-19-positive patients are infectious to other people early in infection when these rapid tests are giving false-negative results.

Swab testing is the current test of choice for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Picture: Rohan Kelly
Swab testing is the current test of choice for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Picture: Rohan Kelly

“False negatives would have serious risks of incorrectly reassuring people and therefore increasing the spread of infection within the community,” Dr Dray said.

In a statement issued today the college, which is the standards body for pathologists, said testing samples gathered from throat and nasal swabs is the current test of choice for the diagnosis of acute COVID-19 infection.

These tests can take between three to six hours to perform but were the only way to pick up all cases of the virus, the college said.

More than 250,000 COVID-19 tests have been undertaken in Australia with only around 1 per cent detecting cases of the virus

There is a role for finger prick tests in gauging how many people in the community contracted the virus and this could help pick up undetected cases in people who had very mild or non-existent symptoms.


Seven in 10 Queensland doctors at the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis do not have sufficient Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

And some medical facilities have resorted to making their own hand sanitiser, others are being told to re-use face masks according to a survey by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Queensland.

More than 625 doctors responded to the survey posted at 4pm on Tuesday, March 31.

AMA Queensland President Dr Dilip Dhupelia said the online survey revealed 84 per cent of doctors were not confident they would be able to access sufficient and appropriate PPE.

More than half (53 per cent) had dug into their pockets to buy masks and other protective equipment for themselves and their staff.

One GP wrote in the survey, “we are nearly out of surgical masks (which is all the PPE we have) and requests for supply have been declined. We are also out of hand sanitiser and making our own (with limited success).”

A soldier dressed in PPE outside the emergency entrance of a hospital in Madrid, Spain. Picture: AP
A soldier dressed in PPE outside the emergency entrance of a hospital in Madrid, Spain. Picture: AP

Another surveyed doctor said, “there’s a lot of anxiety in my workplace (operating theatres) about PPE supply. Also concerns that management may not be prioritising PPE supply. I think if staff had better communication about PPE supply, it would reduce anxiety levels and improve trust”.

Dr Dhupelia said Queensland Health repeatedly assured AMA it had a stockpile of PPE and no health care workers would be put at risk when treating patients with COVID-19, but one frontline doctor wrote, “it is painful to see and hear officials talk about PPE supply not being an issue, while on the front line in my Emergency Department, we are being told to wear the same mask for several shifts in a row (providing not high risk patients) in order to preserve PPE.

“The Government needs to come clean to Queensland’s health workers,” he said.

“They have every right to expect and receive up-to-date, consistent and clear information about where and when they can access the protective equipment required to do their jobs safely.”

It comes as the death of an 85-year-old woman in NSW has pushed the number of fatalities from COVID-19 in Australia to 20.

The woman, NSW’s ninth coronavirus death, was a resident at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged-care facility in Sydney.

Health authorities in NSW this morning confirmed she passed away yesterday.

It comes as a previously healthy 13-year-old boy has died from coronavirus in the UK, as the virus sweeps through the nation.


More than 40 people with coronavirus in NSW are fighting for their lives in intensive care with half requiring a ventilator to breathe.

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state rose by 150 to 2182 in the 24 hours to 8pm on Tuesday.

NSW Health confirmed it was treating 218 cases, with 42 people in ICU and of those 22 required ventilators at this stage.

“More than 50 per cent of the remainder of cases being treated by NSW Health are through Hospital in the Home services,” a NSW Health statement said.

NSW Health said the 14-day isolation period for passengers from most cruise ships that came into Sydney, including Ovation of the Seas, Voyager of the Seas, Celebrity Solstice and Ruby Princess, is close to completion.

“NSW Health is undertaking a thorough review of confirmed COVID-19 case numbers within the system to most accurately finalise the total NSW number of passengers from cruise ships,” the statement said.

A woman leaves a COVID-19 testing clinic set up by St. Vincent’s Hospital at the Bondi Pavilion on Bondi Beach in Sydney. Picture: AAP
A woman leaves a COVID-19 testing clinic set up by St. Vincent’s Hospital at the Bondi Pavilion on Bondi Beach in Sydney. Picture: AAP

A Bondi Pop-Up Clinic started operation from today in Bondi in the Waverley LGA, which has the highest number of confirmed cases and the highest number of those with an unknown source of infection.

“Finding those cases early and identifying appropriate isolation and quarantining are important factors in preventing onward transmission in the community,” NSW Health said.

Among the new cases was an 18-year-old male student who attended Kincumber High School, with risk assessment and investigations are underway and the school is temporarily closed.

Three staff members at pizza store I Love Pizza at Mona Vale have also tested positive to COVID-19.

“While all close contacts have been confirmed and contacted and the risk is low, all customers who ate pizza from the store between March 20 and March 28 should monitor for symptoms of COVID-19,” NSW Health said.


Motorists can expect fuel prices to fall below $1 per litre across the country in the next two to three weeks.

While some petrol stations have been offering ethanol fuel for less than 90 cents per litre, the NRMA expects the price of regular unleaded to drop to similar levels due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In Adelaide, the price of regular unleaded has already dropped below the $1 mark and Perth is expected to follow this week.

Global oil prices are at the lowest level since December 2003, according to the NRMA.

Motorists are buying less fuel due to the pandemic, which has prompted travel restrictions and led to many Australians losing their jobs.


A grassroots campaign for Australians to commemorate Anzac Day at dawn in their driveways is gathering momentum across the country.

With traditional services and marches cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, RSL leaders are encouraging people to honour servicemen and women at dawn on April 25 by standing beside their letterboxes or on balconies.

Radio stations across the country are signing on to live-stream services, while a Queensland schoolteacher is calling on musicians everywhere to play the Last Post and Reveille for neighbours.

Brisbane teacher Alastair Tomkins has started the Music for Mateship initiative to show support for service personnel after Anzac Day services were called off earlier this month.

“We maybe mandated to have isolation but we can still bring our community together one street at a time by playing the Last Post, observing a minute’s silence and playing Rouse,” he says.

“I’m calling on all the brass players to step up and bring their community together.”

Anzac Day commemorations can continue – in our driveways.
Anzac Day commemorations can continue – in our driveways.

Mr Tomkins has launched a Facebook page as well as the website where he asks anyone interested to download music sheets, start practising and notify their neighbourhood via a letterbox drop.

ABC Local Radio and some commercial networks have agreed to broadcast dawn services from 6am.

West of the NSW Blue Mountains, at Bathurst, local stations 2BS and B-Rock are inviting residents to hold a candle while standing at their letterboxes during a seven-minute broadcast Community station 2MCE at the town’s Charles Sturt University campus will stream the service to 100 other stations across the country.

Meanwhile, people on Twitter and other platforms are encouraging Australians to dress their windows and mailboxes with poppies on the 25th and for kids to make poppy wreaths from egg cartons to hang on the front door.

State RSL branches have urged everyone to safely commemorate Anzac Day in driveways and on balconies.

“Traditional dawn services and marches are just not possible this year,” NSW acting president Ray James said last week.

“But during these difficult and uncertain times, it is vital that we stay true to our values of mateship and camaraderie (and) that we honour our service personnel and show our Anzac spirit.”


Farmers and fishers who had their exports derailed by coronavirus will be able to start sending their goods overseas again.

Airfreight will be used to export Australian produce and bring back urgently needed medical supplies.

“Getting our export sector back on its feet is crucial to reduce job losses through the crisis,” Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said.

“It’s a critical part of the ultimate economic recovery.”

The operation will also help prop up Australia’s struggling airlines, with the government spending $110 million to secure the flights.

Police stop vehicles at a checkpoint set up at the Queensland and New South Wales border in Coolangatta after borders shut down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Picture: Getty Images
Police stop vehicles at a checkpoint set up at the Queensland and New South Wales border in Coolangatta after borders shut down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Picture: Getty Images

Produce will be shipped to key Australian markets including China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.

Fishers will also see $10 million worth of levies waived for the rest of the year.

Former Australia Post executive Michael Byrne will head the export operations.

Assistant Fisheries Minister Jonno Duniam said the industry had taken a massive hit when China shut its borders.

“Unlocking key international markets will get thousands of fishers, divers, deckhands and processors back on the job,” he said.

Meanwhile, more than 285,000 businesses have registered for the wage subsidy to save jobs.

From May, $1500 per worker will go towards businesses impacted by the coronavirus.

The government says the subsidy will cost $130b over the next six months and keep six million workers in jobs.


In the most dramatic sign yet that the virus was not just a disease that hit the elderly, health authorities in the UK confirmed the fatality.

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab from Brixton, south London, died in hospital.

A spokesman for King’s College Hospital National Health Service Foundation Trust said: “Sadly, a 13-year old boy who tested positive for COVID-19 has passed away, and our thoughts and condolences are with the family at this time.

“The death has been referred to the Coroner and no further comment will be made.”

It comes after a 19-year-old died from coronavirus in London after earlier being sent home by his doctor with panadol and told he would be all right.

A pedestrian walks past signage about coronavirus in central London. Picture: AFP
A pedestrian walks past signage about coronavirus in central London. Picture: AFP

Chef Luca Di Nicola died after suffering severe chest pains linked to the illness.

He had no underlying health problems.

Mr Di Nicola had visited his GP in North London last week but was sent home.

His aunty Giada, from Italy, told La Repubblica newspaper that they were shocked and angry.

“For a week before his death Luca had a fever and a cough and my sister-in-law Clarissa and her partner Vincenzo who lived in the same house also had it,” she said.

“The London-based doctor gave my nephew some paracetamol.

“But Luca got worse on March 23.

“The doctor visited him at home and told him that he was young, strong and that he didn’t have to worry about that bad flu.”

A pedestrian walks past a sign thanking the NHS in central London. Picture: AFP
A pedestrian walks past a sign thanking the NHS in central London. Picture: AFP

The UK death toll now stands 1789 after a further 381 deaths in the past 24 hours, a significant jump on figures that had appeared to have been slowing.

UK health authorities have said that the nation’s lockdown has been showing signs of working but there would be a delay in seeing its impact on the daily death and hospitalisation figures.

In other tragic deaths, a 12-year-old girl in Belgium died of COVID-19, becoming Europe’s youngest victim.

The girl, who has not been named, had shown signs of a fever three days before she died.

There were no reports on whether she had underlying health problems.

Earlier this week, a 14-year-old died in Portugal and a 16-year-old died in France.


US President Donald Trump warned of a “very painful” two weeks ahead as the United States wrestles with a surge in coronavirus cases.

The White House projects 100,000 to 240,000 deaths in the US from coronavirus pandemic if social distancing is maintained.

“This is going to be a very painful, a very, very painful two weeks,” he told a press conference at the White House today.

Trump described the pandemic as “a plague.”

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead,” he said.

US President Donald Trump looks on during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump looks on during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus. Picture: AFP

Dr. Deborah Birx, the co-ordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said pandemic forecasts initially predicted 1.5 million to 2.2 million deaths in the US.

But that was a worst-case scenario, without efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus through social distancing.

It comes as the coronavirus death toll in the US rocketed to more than 3000 on Tuesday (local time), surpassing the number of people who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

According to the New York Post, COVID-19 has killed at least 3170 Americans, surpassing the 2977 victims who were killed in the World Trade Centre, Pentagon, and four hijacked planes on September 11, 2001, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University.

The 9/11 attacks had been the deadliest event in the continental US since the Japanese killed 2403 Americans at Pearl Harbor in 1941.

A member of the US National Guard prepares to take a temperature near the USNS Comfort hospital ship at Pier 90 on the Hudson River in New York. Picture: Getty Images/AFP
A member of the US National Guard prepares to take a temperature near the USNS Comfort hospital ship at Pier 90 on the Hudson River in New York. Picture: Getty Images/AFP

New York was the nation’s deadliest hot spot, with over 1200 deaths statewide, the majority of them in New York City – a toll Governor Andrew Cuomo called “beyond staggering.”

He also revealed his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, has tested positive to COVID-19.

A navy hospital ship with 1000 beds that docked in New York on Monday began accepting non-coronavirus patients on Tuesday (local time).

A 1000-bed emergency hospital set up at the Javits Convention Centre began taking patients Monday night. And the Billie Jean King USTA National Tennis Centre, where the US Open is held every August-September, was being transformed into a hospital.

The makeshift hospital in New York’s Central Park. Picture: AP
The makeshift hospital in New York’s Central Park. Picture: AP

Gov. Cuomo pleaded for help from volunteer medical workers, and close to 80,000 former nurses, doctors and other professionals were already said to be stepping forward.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo welcomed the 1000 bed vessel and 1700 personnel, which were last seen in the Big Apple after 9/11, and asked out-of-state health care workers to volunteer to help the struggling city.

“I am asking health care professionals across the country, if you don’t have a health care crisis in your community, please come help us in New York right now,” Gov. Cuomo said, saying New Yorkers would repay the favour.

“You have to prepare before the storm hits. And in this case the storm is when you hit that high point, when you hit that apex. How do you know when you’re going to get there? You don’t,” Gov. Cuomo said

New York State reported close to 76,000 cases as of Tuesday (local time) and 1550 deaths.

There have been at least 164,700 confirmed COVID-19 patients since the country’s first case in January was detected in Washington state.

Medical supplies and beds are seen inside a tent as a temporary hospital is set up in New York’s Central Park. Picture: AFP
Medical supplies and beds are seen inside a tent as a temporary hospital is set up in New York’s Central Park. Picture: AFP

There have been cases from every state, the District of Columbia and several US territories, as well as among repatriated citizens.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, an infectious disease expert on the White House task force, predicted Sunday that the pandemic could infect more than a million Americans and kill up to 200,000.

“Looking at what we’re seeing now, I would say between 100,000 and 200,000 [deaths] … I mean, we’re going to have millions of cases,” he said on US TV.

Medical personnel at a makeshift hospital in New York. Picture: AP
Medical personnel at a makeshift hospital in New York. Picture: AP

The virus, which initially emerged in China in December, has rapidly spread around the globe, sickening more than 800,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins.

Worldwide, there have been at least 39,000 deaths from the dangerous bug while scientists race to find a cure.

A temporary hospital in New York’s Central Park began taking patients on Tuesday (local time). Picture: AFP
A temporary hospital in New York’s Central Park began taking patients on Tuesday (local time). Picture: AFP


The coronavirus has killed a record 849 people in Spain in one day, the nation’s deadliest day yet since the epidemic began, bringing the grim tally of fatalities to 8189.

Another 9222 people tested positive for the virus, raising the number of confirmed cases to 94,417 – more than China’s 82,240 but fewer than Italy’s more than 100,000.

Tightened lockdowns across the planet saw nearly half of humanity told to stay at home in a bid to stem the spiralling coronavirus pandemic, as Spain recorded its deadliest day on Tuesday (local time) and the United States passed China with 3393 fatalities thus far.

A man dressed in protective gear carries out disinfection works in a street in Vigo, northwestern Spain. Picture: AFP
A man dressed in protective gear carries out disinfection works in a street in Vigo, northwestern Spain. Picture: AFP

France recorded its highest death toll in a day, 499, as did the UK with 381.

China has reported 3300 coronavirus deaths.

The US is now ranked third globally in terms of total fatalities, following behind Italy and Spain, who have respectively reported 11,591 and 8,189 deaths.

The virus has claimed more than 38,000 lives worldwide in a health crisis that is rapidly reorganising political power, hammering the global economy and altering the daily existence of some 3.6 billion people.

In battered Italy, flags flew at half-mast during a minute of silence to honour the more than 12,000 people who have perished from the virus, and the medical staff still working through nightmarish conditions.

Although there are hopeful signs the spread of infections is slowing in both countries, hundreds are still dying every day, leading authorities to extend nationwide shutdowns despite their crushing economic impact.

Health workers at a nursing home, in Madrid, Spain. Picture: AP
Health workers at a nursing home, in Madrid, Spain. Picture: AP


It comes as a 12-year-old girl confirmed infected with COVID-19 has died in Belgium, health officials said on Tuesday (local time).

Fatality from the virus at such a young age “is a very rare occurrence,” said government spokesman Dr Emmanuel Andre, adding that her death “shook us”.

The girl had a fever for three days before her death, and tested positive for COVID-19, said another spokesman, Steven Van Gucht.

The government gave no other details, notably not saying whether she had any other underlying health problems.

The girl’s school is located in the city of Ghent, whose mayor Mathias De Clercq issued a statement about the “sad news”, expressing condolences to the girl’s family.

It added that the girl, whom he did not name, had not been at the school since March 13, just before a nationwide shutdown.

Workers carry a coffin in the cremation of coronavirus victim at the Wilrijk crematory in Antwerp, Belgium. Picture: AFP
Workers carry a coffin in the cremation of coronavirus victim at the Wilrijk crematory in Antwerp, Belgium. Picture: AFP

It was the first death of a child in the coronavirus crisis in Belgium, which has now recorded 705 deaths according to the latest official toll.

Last week, France reported the death of a 16-year-old girl from coronavirus in the greater Paris region.

Although serious COVID-19 infections are uncommon among the young, some exceptional cases have been taken to hospital intensive-care wards, as US health authorities have pointed out.

Belgium’s toll on Tuesday represented a jump of nearly 200 fatalities from that given the previous day, which stood at 513.

A man wearing a face mask and gloves walks along Bourse square during a partial lockdown against the spread of the coronavirus in downtown Brussels. Picture: AP
A man wearing a face mask and gloves walks along Bourse square during a partial lockdown against the spread of the coronavirus in downtown Brussels. Picture: AP

It comprised 98 deaths recorded in the preceding 24-hour period, plus another 94 deaths over previous days that had not been counted in the national tally, Dr Andre said.

The small EU country, with a population of 11.4 million, now has 12,775 cases of persons tested positive for COVID-19, of whom 4920 have been hospitalised, including 1,021 in intensive care.

Hospitals in Brussels, the Dutch-speaking province of Limburg and the surroundings of Charleroi and Mons are now confronted with “a more complicated situation” as beds fill up, Andre said.


Two Australian Border Force officers have tested positive for coronavirus.

The officers — from NSW and Queensland — have been self-isolating since being diagnosed.

People who came into contact with the officers have been notified by health authorities.

Australia has so far recorded more 4500 cases with 19 deaths.

Australian Border Force officers talk with New Zealand passengers from the Vasco da Gama cruise ship in Perth. Picture: Getty Images
Australian Border Force officers talk with New Zealand passengers from the Vasco da Gama cruise ship in Perth. Picture: Getty Images

It comes as hotels are bracing for an influx of mandated quarantined guests with thousands of Australians heeding the call to come home and Chinese airlines among the aircraft returning to our skies with multiple flights.

The rush comes as countries, notably China, ease lockdown restrictions nationally in its cities allowing for more air movements again, carrying Australian citizens and permanent residents.

While our national airlines Qantas and Virgin have virtually grounded their international flights, from just after 6am foreign airlines were queued to land at Australian airports.

They were coming from a dozen locations including Guangzhou and Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Doha, Tokyo and San Francisco as Aussie citizens and residents returned any way they could.

China Southern Airlines flight to Melbourne arriving today Picture: Flighttracker
China Southern Airlines flight to Melbourne arriving today Picture: Flighttracker

It was a China Southern Airlines flight from Guangzhou into Melbourne on January 19 that reportedly is suspected as having brought the first person, from Wuhan, carrying COVID-19 to Australia.

It is understood just over a week ago, Sydney was seeing 9000 people a day return, with 6000 passengers returning to Melbourne and between 3000 and 4000 to Brisbane, less to Adelaide.

But that was before the Federal Government’s mandatory 14-day quarantine restriction for anyone returning from overseas.

A British Airways flight takes off from Sydney International Airport. Picture: AFP
A British Airways flight takes off from Sydney International Airport. Picture: AFP

The movements particularly from China Air and China Southern Airlines yesterday, although in significantly reduced volumes, caused a frenzy on social media with many believing there had been a block to international air movements other than freight.

But how open ended the taxpayer-funded quarantine program will be remains unclear as the skies reopen to more volume, at least to foreign airlines from nation’s with easing rules.

The Federal Government had made clear the skies were not shut to inbound international flights if carriers saw passenger flights as commercially viable.

Last week the Chinese Government authorised subsidies to Chinese airlines including funding for international flights to keep movement of both passengers and airfreight going.

Transport Minister Michael McCormack’s office declined to comment and said it was an issue for Home Affairs and Australian Border Force; Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton’s office would no return calls.

Meanwhile, Britain is attempting to repatriate 300,000 Britons stranded by coronavirus from around the globe including Australia, chartering flights where regular operations cannot be found.


Italy marked a minute of silence and flew flags at half mast on Tuesday (local time) to mourn the 11,591 people who have died from the coronavirus pandemic that has dramatically altered life in the Mediterranean country.

The nation of 60 million people has recorded nearly a third of all fatalities caused by COVID-19 across the world.

The day of mourning marks a month in which Italy saw more deaths from a single disaster than at any time since World War II.

It was first detected in Italy near the northern financial hub Milan in late February before spreading and overwhelming hospitals with critically ill patients.

Italy now has nearly 4000 people receiving intensive care treatment for COVID-19.

The virus “is an injury that hurt the whole country,” Rome mayor Virginia Raggi said after a priest read a prayer for the dead and the nation observed a minute’s silence.

Florence’s mayor, Dario Nardella, stands during a minute of silence outside Palazzo Vecchio in the Italian city. Picture: AFP
Florence’s mayor, Dario Nardella, stands during a minute of silence outside Palazzo Vecchio in the Italian city. Picture: AFP

“Together, we will get through this,” she said at a ceremony held outside Rome’s city hall.

Vatican City also flew its yellow-and-white flags at half mast in solidarity.

The Italian government imposed an unprecedented lockdown three weeks ago to help stem the spread of a virus that has now officially infected more than 100,000 people in the country.

The financial cost of the forced shutdown of almost all businesses threatens to send Italy’s economy — the European Union’s third largest last year — into its deepest recession in decades.

The flag of the Vatican flies at half-mast on a Vatican's building on Piazza Pope Pius XII as flags are being flown at half-mast in cities across Italy to commemorate the victims of the virus. Picture: AFP
The flag of the Vatican flies at half-mast on a Vatican's building on Piazza Pope Pius XII as flags are being flown at half-mast in cities across Italy to commemorate the victims of the virus. Picture: AFP

On Monday the government decided to extend the shutdown until at least mid-April.

Stores and restaurants are not expected to start opening until at least May and no official is willing to predict when life might return to the way it was just a month ago.

Italy’s Confindustria big business lobby said it expected the country’s total output to shrink by six per cent if the pandemic does not ease by the end of May.

It said each additional week after that would chop another 0.75 per cent off Italy’s gross domestic product.

Dr Chiara Mariani putting on personal protective equipment ahead of a house call to a coronavirus patient who has been discharged early from a hospital in Saronno, northern Italy. Picture: Stefano Virgine
Dr Chiara Mariani putting on personal protective equipment ahead of a house call to a coronavirus patient who has been discharged early from a hospital in Saronno, northern Italy. Picture: Stefano Virgine

Big businesses around the northern city of Bergamo where the death rates are some of the highest in the world sound anxious about their long-term prospects.

“Saying ‘close everything’ may be right, but it is not sustainable forever,” the lobby’s Bergamo branch president Stefano Scaglia told the Il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper.

“The real, complicated thing to do — and one no one seems to be doing — is to try to understand how we can restart things again.” Rome’s mayor stressed Tuesday that it was imperative for everyone “to stay at home to save us all”.

“We must do it for all those who lost their lives and all those who put their lives at risk by working for us all,” Raggi said.

But the head of the infectious diseases department at Milan’s Luigi Sacco Hospital that managed to isolate the Italian strain said he was looking at the future with some hope.

“We have the impression that (the pandemic) is weakening,” Massimo Galli told Italian radio.

Italy reported 812 deaths on Monday. Its single day record was 969 on Friday — the highest daily toll recorded anywhere in the world.

A worker sprays disinfectant on Piazza Duomo in Milan. Picture: AFP
A worker sprays disinfectant on Piazza Duomo in Milan. Picture: AFP

It comes as Italian doctors are making house calls to coronavirus patients in full protective equipment as they warn the infection rates in the country have been wildly under reported.

Patients released from hospital still require urgent care, with many forced to leave earlier than usual as the country rations beds.

Doctors at the front lines told News Corp Australia they were still struggling to cope, with intensive care units finding it hard as they battle a shortage of nurses and anaesthetists needed to keep people alive.

They have also been worried about limited protective equipment. More than 51 doctors in Italy have already died of the virus.

Dr Chiara Mariani has been forced to make dangerous house calls to keep patients alive. Pictures: Stefano Virgine.
Dr Chiara Mariani has been forced to make dangerous house calls to keep patients alive. Pictures: Stefano Virgine.

Dr Chiara Mariani, 38, a GP in Saronno, 30 minutes northwest of Milan, said the discharged patients were the hidden side of Italy’s coronavirus pandemic.

She told News Corp Australia her patients still needed oxygen and she had been forced to make dangerous house calls to keep them alive.

“I have 1600 patients, as any other general practitioner here. The problem is that without proper protective equipment we can spread the virus around,” she said.

“We all know the official numbers don’t tell the whole story. From February 23, I have had 65 patients with COVID-19 similar symptoms, but only three of them had swab and are positive. 


Hospital admissions flattened in Britain in a positive sign in the fight against coronavirus, as the government poured $A150 million into mercy flights to get British people home.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits remain stranded around the world but the government agreed to subsidise some charter flights to help with repatriations.

The elderly and the sick will be prioritised, with many Brits stuck in Spain, which has become the centre of the European outbreak.

There are 9000 coronavirus patients in UK hospitals, with admissions rising by about 1000 each day for the past three days.

A woman being placed into an ambulance at the St Thomas’ Hospital in London, England. Picture: Justin Setterfield/Getty
A woman being placed into an ambulance at the St Thomas’ Hospital in London, England. Picture: Justin Setterfield/Getty

And Prime Minister Boris Johnson has managed to chair meetings via video link as he remains in quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus last week.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said that $150 million was allocated to help keep flights affordable.

“Partner airlines include British Airways, Virgin, easyJet, Jet2 and Titan and this list can be expanded,” he said.

“Under the arrangements that we are putting in place we will target flights from a range of priority countries, starting this week.”

Tickets will be allowed to be transferred between passengers.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, said that so far hospital intensive care units were coping with current COVID-19 patients.

A deserted Walsall town centre in the United Kingdom. Shops are closed and people are staying at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty
A deserted Walsall town centre in the United Kingdom. Shops are closed and people are staying at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty

“The number of hospital admissions had gone up roughly the same amount each day,” he said.

The measures that have been taken have seen a dramatic reduction in contact.

“The measures are in place, they are making a difference, they are decreasing the contact which is so important to spread the disease and we’re doing a good job at cutting that down,” Sir Patrick said.

However, one in four doctors in the UK were now off sick or self isolating because a relative had symptoms of the disease.

He said that the number of infections per person was likely to be slowing.

“It’s important that we do this now to get the numbers down on the NHS capacity,” Sir Patrick said.

“Once we have got this below the ICU curve and stable and then how do we release those measures?”

A nurse swabbing a motorist at a drive-through testing station in Chessington, United Kingdom. Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty
A nurse swabbing a motorist at a drive-through testing station in Chessington, United Kingdom. Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty

He said it was premature to put a time frame on when the lockdown would end, amid previous reports it could be up to six months.

The UK’s death toll was 180 in the 24 hours to Monday local time, which was lower than the previous day’s total of 209.

The overall death toll was 1408, and the overall cases were more than 22,000, which was only increasing by 13 per cent per day.

Last week it was climbing by 25 per cent, with the UK now falling below Italy’s trajectory of infections and deaths.

Medical workers at a hospital in Madrid, Spain. Picture: Manu Fernandez
Medical workers at a hospital in Madrid, Spain. Picture: Manu Fernandez

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