

Jeff Kennett: Why the state government will never change lockdown tactics

To achieve and maintain a target of zero transmission in Victoria guarantees the harshest lockdowns. And to take any other approach now would be an admission of failure.

The state government will never back down from their lockdown stance because it would prove that all prior lockdowns have been a failure. Picture: NCA NewsWire
The state government will never back down from their lockdown stance because it would prove that all prior lockdowns have been a failure. Picture: NCA NewsWire

Lockdown number 5.

We will all be inconvenienced to some degree or another.

But for at least twenty five per cent of the community, this fifth lockdown will have significant consequences.

Those in hospitality, tourism, entertainment, airlines and small business. Sole traders who were

overlooked in previous lockdowns on my reading of the Government support available, will again be badly set back.

Of great concern and not easily measured at this moment in time, is the impact these lockdowns will have on our schoolchildren. Their year once again disrupted. A few weeks at school, then schooling from home, then holidays, then back to school, then back to home schooling.

Any concept of an orderly education for our younger population in their most vulnerable years has been non-existent now for a year and a half, and I expect that interruption will continue until at least this year’s end.

Two years in the life of a child aged 5 to 10 is a long time. These lockdowns are causing disruption to their education and that includes social and physical education as well as academic.

Holidays abandoned, delayed weddings have been cancelled again, community sport closed, and professional sports are now in grave difficulty of seeing their season completed without further severe disruption.

Major events such as the Home Show scheduled for September have been cancelled because no one has any confidence to plan and commit to massive expenses with the risk this lockdown will be extended or lockdown 6.0 or more enacted overnight in the months ahead.

I fear this lockdown will extend well beyond Tuesday, if the government applies the same criteria they have used for the previous four lockdowns.

The concept of achieving zero infections is unrealistic. We have been working with that objective since early last year and it ignores the fact that this objective has crippled so many businesses and families over the last 18 months that the ripple effect will be felt for decades across the whole community.

Having set a target of zero infections, to achieve that target and maintain it guarantees the harshest lockdowns, disruptions and costs both economic and social. For this government to take any other approach now would be in their minds an admission of failure for lockdowns of the past.

The cost of another lockdown isn’t just economic. Picture: NCA NewsWire
The cost of another lockdown isn’t just economic. Picture: NCA NewsWire

We are going to have to live with this or another virus maybe forever. As one strain of COVID-19 mutates into another, or a new virus altogether heads our way.

Remember the first lockdown, it was argued by Daniel Andrews, was put in place to protect out hospital system being overrun with patients with critical care needs. That did not happen.

We have had 18 months to better prepare our systems for the inevitable outbreaks. If the hospital system is still not prepared, that is very disappointing.

We must manage this virus. We simply cannot afford to keep shutting down the state.

Most sporting events are now cancelled or terminally disrupted. Grands Prix lost. The Australian Tennis Open at genuine risk. Who knows where and how the AFL season will be concluded?

The Government has learnt little or nothing, and we like lemmings do as we are told without

question, without an effective Opposition or media to challenge the decisions which appear based on the advice of medical bureaucrats and not the leaders who were voted in to lead.

Every week that passes the task of rebuilding the State’s economy become more and more


While our young I worry, are paying the highest price for the lack of consistency in our daily lives.

You will have noticed the Unemployment Rate that was announced last week has fallen below 5%.

Great news but is anyone surprised? Have a look at all the people employed to manage different aspects relating to this pandemic. Such personnel are everywhere, in supermarkets, on public

transport, out on the streets cleaning lampposts. There is a new army currently employed in the name of the pandemic.

When pandemic pressures ease, these personnel will return from where they came, and the

unemployment rate will rise again. In the meantime, so many industries are desperately short of labour. So, costs will rise, as will inflation and eventually interest rates.

We are in for a bumpy ride, over the next five years. Attitudes have materially changed, the pre-pandemic life we shared will not return in that form but another.

For every challenge there are things we can do in response.

1. Get vaccinated!

2. Support your local businesses and buy from the smaller businesses where possible.

3. If your employment has been unaffected and you are in a position to do so, donate to the

multitudes of charities who are working on the ground providing free meals, bill relief, and

support to the isolated and so on.

4. Check in on family, friends and neighbours by phone.

We can all do our part.

As for those small businesses and sole traders feeling the strain and pain of this latest lockdown, I hope you survive, stay strong, we need your entrepreneurship and resilience to rebuild Victoria to the State that we all love.

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