

Anonymous crowd of people walking street

Budget hits consumer confidence

JUST when you thought it was safe to go back to the shops — consumer confidence was getting better, but the budget bogeyman has reared its head again.

Credit card caught on a fishing hook concept for addiction to spending with credit or phishing. thinkstock

The great $1 billion credit card sting

WE all know to be wary of credit card fees. But some banks are getting away with charging 23.5 per cent interest. Quite a hide, when you consider the cash rate is at an all time low.

Fed Budget
Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey tours Rode Microphones, a successful export business in Silverwater.

The budget blow-back explained

IT has been 100 days since Joe Hockey handed down his first budget and we’re still talking about it. So what has actually been passed and what is still in limbo?

Former Labor Treasurer Wayne Swan addresses the National Press Club following today's launch at the Australian National University in Canberra of his book "The Good Fight."

What Wayne Swan’s book left out

OPINION: In its misplaced vanity, Wayne Swan’s memories which have been documented in his new book represent a missed opportunity to reflect upon a crucial part of Australia’s economy.

Girl counting money. Thinkstock

Yep, we are getting poorer

WALLET feeling a little thin? You’re not alone. Australians’ pay packets are stuck in a rut. It’s so bad we’re actually going backwards.

Fed Budget
What $7 means to one Aussie family

What $7 means to one Aussie family

TO JOE Hockey, the $7 fee to visit a doctor, introduced in the Budget, is just “two middies of beer”. But for this Melbourne mum it is nappies or fuel, and she can’t afford both.

Fed Budget
What $7 means to one Aussie family

What $7 means to one Aussie family

TO JOE Hockey, the $7 fee to visit a doctor, introduced in the Budget, is just “two middies of beer”. But for this Melbourne mum it is nappies or fuel, and she can’t afford both.

Fed Budget
Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey MP, speaks at the Australia- Israel Chamber of Commerce Luncheon in Melbourne.

By God Joe, settle down

UPDATE: Joe Hockey has fired back at Bill Shorten by invoking the force of a higher power, as a Lib MP reveals “options” if key Budget plans are quashed.

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