
Over-qualified, desperate and struggling to find work: the crisis of Australian graduates

THEY’RE over-qualified, desperate and struggling to find work. Many Australian uni graduates are in a jobseeker crisis, and the new Budget isn’t helping.

Budget too tough on young jobless

AS THE Budget dust settles and Australia begins to come to terms with the ugly truth, one question is repeated over and over.

‘How will this Budget affect me?’

The Budget is only going to exacerbate what is an already vulnerable employment situation for university leavers. Over-qualified, unemployed and struggling to find work, Australian university graduates are desperate. This is only made worse by cuts in the newly announced 2014 Budget.

The impacts for university students and the unemployed include:

— A 20 per cent decrease in government contributions to students’ HELP fees (formerly known as HECS).

- Lower thresholds for HELP repayments. Employees start repayments when earning $50,638 instead of $53,345.

— Interest rates on HELP debts rising as high as six per cent.

— A six month waiting period imposed on school-leavers and new jobseekers for unemployment allowance.

— After that six month period, the government will provide six months’ worth of income support — if the recipient participates in Work for the Dole at 25 hours a week. spoke to Catherine*, a young Aussie woman soon to graduate her Master’s degree, about what these Budget cuts mean for her employment situation.

The prospect of graduating from university terrifies Catherine.
The prospect of graduating from university terrifies Catherine.

Catherine’s story

This month I graduate with a Master’s in Urban Planning and Environment — and I’m terrified. Achieving a Masters should be a joyous occasion, but with no job and financial uncertainty, I’m considering staying at uni longer just so I can say “I’m a student” and not “I’m unemployed”.

Out of the hundreds of job applications I’ve sent out in the past year I’m lucky to get a “thanks, but no thanks”.

I have been working for free for over a year now, just so I can say I have some professional experience to complement my Masters.

So far that’s been a mixed experience. I get either worked at the level of a full time employee (or there’s the door, there are plenty more desperate for experience) or I get treated with disdain by my fellow professionals who sneer “what are you doing here if you are doing a masters?”

It’s a tough world out there for job-hunters ... easier just to stay at uni.
It’s a tough world out there for job-hunters ... easier just to stay at uni.

I don’t blame them, they were able to secure their employment in a good time when all you needed was a vaguely related Bachelor’s degree, and here I come in with a Master’s.

It would be naive to think that everyone isn’t looking out for themselves. After months of unpaid work I get told I would never be hired by an organisation because I’m too qualified.

Naturally, I secure more unpaid work and move on. One of the places I work for at the moment didn’t hire me for a basic admin role, six month maternity leave position because I would “get bored and move on”. Well it’s been over six months now, so I dare say that I was a genuine candidate looking for a job. The man looks guilty every time he sees me.

Abbott’s new budget means a six month wait for unemployment benefits for Catherine.
Abbott’s new budget means a six month wait for unemployment benefits for Catherine.

Retail positions, fast food, I’ve tried them all, but for every over-qualified individual, employers have school leavers or pensioners ready to make these jobs their careers.

I’ve found charities to be the best. Out of the hours of volunteer work I do for them, they at least try to pay me for one off jobs and recommend me to their network.

I’m not saying that I’m doing it the toughest out there. I have a partner who is happy just to be with me, but it does leave me feeling like a bludger. I have the expectation that I would be a contributing member of our household — right now I’m just a burden.

I want to pay back my HELP debt, pay taxes, pay for groceries, socialise — right now that’s all on hold. With true entry level jobs scarce and even junior positions requiring years of experience, I wonder how many of us will fall through the cracks and never get that start we need.

The Liberal party’s Budget has left many in the lurch. Pic by: Gary Ramage.
The Liberal party’s Budget has left many in the lurch. Pic by: Gary Ramage.

In regards to the recent Budget, I completely disagree that those under 30 should have to wait six months for benefits. People under 30 have often not had the luxury of secure employment for an extended period that allowed for savings to tide them over and bills don’t wait six months. Those with no family or social support may find themselves on the streets — an even tougher place to find employment.

To the issue of higher university fees; as a postgrad I’m well aware of high university fees. A two-year Master’s has left me with a bill of $30,000. But at the same time I am aware that once I crack that job market, my ability to secure high-paid jobs is much better than those without similar education and so I believe that the money I pay now will be the best investment that I ever made.

The most unfortunate thing is, if I can’t get a job now Mr. Employer, how am I going to fund your retirement later? I’m a young, female, in my early twenties; growing up I was told that the world would be at my feet if I worked hard enough. I’m not so sure now.

*Not her real name.

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Originally published as Over-qualified, desperate and struggling to find work: the crisis of Australian graduates

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