
Barefoot Investor: Financial counsellors needs some investment

THE National Debt Helpline is getting so many calls they’re at breaking point but community-based financial counsellors are in short supply. It’s time for the Social Services Minister to save these unsung heroes, writes the Barefoot Investor.

RBA concerned on the high levels of household debt

LET me take you to ground zero of the mortgage crisis.

Right now, the National Debt Helpline (1800 007 007) is receiving so many calls that they’re at breaking point. The helpline refers people in the most dire situations to community-based financial counsellors — yet the demand is so intense the wait time for someone to actually sit down in person and help has stretched out to three months!

(And it’s only getting worse. As I reported last week, a study has suggested that one million people may find themselves in mortgage stress if — when! — interest rates move up by just 0.1 per cent.)




Hang on, who are the financial counsellors and what do they do?

These guys are the unsung heroes of the financial services industry. They’re free to use. They’re independent. And in your darkest hour, they’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with you and fight for you when no one else will.

They’ll fight for the guy who’s just been diagnosed with a terminal illness …

For the mother who grabbed her kids and fled from her violent husband in the middle of the night …

For the young woman with a brain injury who doesn’t understand the (deliberately confusing) payday loan contracts …

And for the father who was laid off from work and is just trying to keep food on the table.

Yes, the ongoing banking royal commission has shown us — over and over again — that we need these heroes.

Yet the truth is that the financial counsellors are having their own financial crisis: there are not nearly enough of them on the ground. I believe so passionately in what they do that I’ve donated 10 per cent of my book royalties to the Financial Counselling Foundation … yet it’s a drop in the ocean.

There is only one man who can truly help — Dan Tehan.

Dan is the man, because, as the Federal Minister for Social Services, his portfolio funds the community-based financial counsellors.

Dan has made recent announcements on financial counselling funding, but this only extends existing funds and doesn’t grow the services to meet demand.

You need to fund ’em, Dan … it’s a growth industry!

So here’s my call to you, Dan. The financial counsellors need someone to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and fight for them when no one else will.

Now’s your chance, minister. Make us proud.

Tread Your Own Path!

Let’s hope time is running out for timeshares, because they’re a complete rip-off.
Let’s hope time is running out for timeshares, because they’re a complete rip-off.


AX WRITES: I read your article last week on Wyndham timeshare, and I think what you said was a little unfair. We have been with Wyndham for about 10 years and it has been great for us because we were able to pay without borrowing, and we enjoy great holidays. The accommodation is actually really good — large rooms with modern accessories and plenty of facilities (pool, gym, minigolf, tennis court, etc). We did the numbers, and in our situation and on our package, we believe we will be ahead after 30 years. So we took the chance we will live beyond 60 and have free holidays thereafter, plus other benefits. It’s not incredibly great value, but has suited us and we are happy to lock in holidays for the rest of our lives (health permitting).

BAREFOOT REPLIES: You sound like you have Stockholm syndrome (definition: “Feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor”).

Did you really sit in that high-pressure sales seminar, doing your sums, and say to your wife: “Honey, by my calculations we’ll be ahead in … 30 YEARS … let’s do this!”

You’ll only be ahead if you disregard the time value of your money — and you don’t mind staying at the same hotel chain for the next 62 years.

Consumer complaints have prompted the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to review timeshare holiday schemes. Let’s hope they rub these shonks out, because they’re
a complete rip-off.

Here’s why.

For consistency, let’s say you pay the same fees as I described in last week’s column: to get 12 nights’ accommodation in their hotels, every year for a lifetime, it’ll cost you $122,909 through 62 years … though likely more because they can jack up their ongoing fees by as much as 5 per cent a year. The same money invested in a share fund would be worth $3.7 million.

And the true value of the upfront timeshare payment is less than $10,000, which is what other timeshare hostages are trying to sell them for on Gumtree.

One couple’s timeshare is like Hotel California: they can check out any time they like … but they can never leave.
One couple’s timeshare is like Hotel California: they can check out any time they like … but they can never leave.


MELANIE ASKS: My husband and I (stupidly) bought timeshare in Las Vegas back in 1997 — we had just got off a plane and were feeling very jet-lagged. We have tried a gazillion avenues to offload it — we even offered it to a number of charities for free. My question for you is this: if we stop paying the ongoing maintenance fees, will that affect our ability to
get into the US when we travel there (we have family there)? Alternatively, do you know how we can offload it?

BAREFOOT REPLIES: You’ve been paying this timeshare for 21 years — you’d get less for murder! It’s like an ugly chihuahua — you can’t give these things away.

As for payment, I’m afraid you signed up to Hotel California: you can check out any time you like … but you can never leave.

In other words, you signed a legally binding contract to continue making payments, and timeshare operators reserve the right to sue you for the payments you fail to make, and they often do in Australia.

As for overseas operators, well, I’d think it’d be unlikely they’ll chase you, but I’d definitely seek legal advice as to what the ramifications are.

What a nightmare!

The year after losing a loved one is not the year to be making major financial decisions.
The year after losing a loved one is not the year to be making major financial decisions.


RACHEL ASKS: I am a 50-year-old widow with an eight-year-old. After nursing my partner through cancer (he lost his battle on Boxing Day), I have just refinanced my house to consolidate some credit card debt. I have also borrowed an additional $100,000 to invest. My financial planner suggested this as a way of getting my mortgage down. Now I am starting to panic about maybe doing the wrong thing, but I don’t see any other way of reducing my debt quickly and setting myself up for retirement. I’m nervous.

BAREFOOT REPLIES: I’m really sorry for your loss.

Now I don’t know your personal situation, only what you’ve written. So, like everything I write, this is general advice from a guy who doesn’t have a vested interest in flogging you anything.

I’ve had the privilege of working with many widows, and if I was sitting across from you, there is absolutely no way I’d advise you to borrow $100,000 to invest.

Why? Because your partner just died, and you have a young child. This is not the year to be making major financial decisions. It’s the year to hold on and grieve.

Yet I totally get that you’re clutching for security when your life has been turned upside-down.

However, this isn’t the way to do it. The truth is that debt always makes life more complicated. It always makes life more stressful. And heaping on more stress right now is the last thing you need.

You have 20 years (or so) before you retire, so there’s no need to panic. Amazing things can happen when you work diligently towards a commonsense goal, but the first thing to focus on is getting yourself right.


LINDA WRITES: I just had to send a note to you. Thank you for your uplifting weekly column last week … and for picking up the phone and calling Dina. You’re right, the whole Barefoot community is behind her.

BAREFOOT REPLIES: Thanks Linda. (For readers who missed last week’s column, Dina wrote in to say that she’s taking her first Barefoot steps after leaving an abusive relationship and years of poverty.) I’ve had a heap of emails like yours, Linda, and I’m forwarding them on to Dina to let her know that she’s got an entire community cheering her on.

If you’ve got a burning money question, or you want to win a fight with your hubby, go to and ask a question

The Barefoot Investor holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (302081). This is general advice only. It should not replace individual, independent, personal financial advice.

The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You’ll Ever Need
(Wiley) $29.95. Available at $27.95

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