Sleazy Hollywood knew about Spacey
The Hollywood cesspit may be even more putrid than we suspected.
The Hollywood cesspit may be even more putrid than we suspected.
Just as we were coming to terms with the extent of Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behaviour — with the list of women allegedly assaulted growing to more than 80 — the industry has again been rocked by allegations of sexual misconduct, this time against a child, by much-loved and respected Hollywood A-lister Kevin Spacey.
Rumours of children being sexually abused in the entertainment world are nothing new but they have rarely been given weight by the powerful elite that dominates the industry.
When former child actor Corey Feldman went on The View to share his experiences of being sexually abused, he was scolded by TV doyen Barbara Walters, who accused him of “damaging an entire industry”.
In between Walter’s derisive sighs of exasperation, Feldman warned parents of child stars to be mindful of the dangers.
“There are people who did this to both me and Corey (Haim) who are still working. They’re still out there and they’re some of the richest, most powerful people in this business,” he said.
We can’t blame victims for not speaking up when they are abused, dismissed and black-listed when they do come forward.
Just as everyone in the business knew about Weinstein, rumours about Spacey’s predilections have been rife in the entertainment industry.