New-look Rita Panahi blog FAQ
Welcome to the new-look Rita Panahi blog. Some things have changed but posting and reading comments remains the same. Explore.
The Rita Panahi blog changes from today.
Here is what’s new and what hasn’t changed.
Leave a comment or ask a question about the new look here.
What’s not changing
* The comments section. The way you post comments and read other reader’s comments is exactly the same.
* The content. Rita will continue to blog about the big topics and offer her hard-hitting views.
* The link to this page. You can still find this blog through the same link and existing bookmarks.
What has changed
* There are now 50 blog posts visible on the page. That is up from 20.
* Rita’s opinion articles that are published each week in the newspapers, and republished online, are now on this page. Find her latest articles by scrolling to the end of blog posts on the main page.
* It is faster. Much faster. The blog and blog article pages now load significantly quicker than previously on phones and desktop computers, meaning you can get into Rita’s opinions and have your say in record time.
* Sharing. It is now simpler to share a Rita blog post, and the comments you’ve made, with friends and family on your social channels. Check the sharing options at the end of each post.
* Get Rita’s next post. Other recent posts are now included at the end of each blog post, making it easier to read everything Rita has to say on the latest news.
* Newer, fresher. The layout, fonts and design of Rita’s blog pages and main page are cleaner and more modern. We hope this will vastly improve the overall reading experience, with less getting in the way of what matters - the content.
Coming soon
Subscribers will be able to follow and get Rita’s latest posts and opinion articles delivered in much smarter ways. Watch this space.
Have your say or ask a question about the new-look blog and website here.