Anti-male sexism runs riot at universities: "[Assistant professor] Piper Harron argues that white, cisgender males should immediately resign ... because 'actual solutions require women of color and trans people.'" And: "'Privileged' male students have been told to be more like women by curbing their confidence and refraining from dominating."
Anti-male sexism runs riot at universities, promoted by inferior talents waving their race or gender credentials.
It is the kind of "fairness" that rewards mediocrities.
A University of Hawaii professor recently claimed that universities should “stop hiring white cis men” until “the problem goes away.”
In a recent American Mathematical Society blog post—unsubtly titled “Get Out The Way”—University of Hawaii at Manoa "temporary assistant professor" of mathematics Piper Harron argues that white, cisgender males should immediately resign from their positions because “actual solutions require women of color and trans people.”
Like her, she means. By sheer coincidence.
"Privileged" male students have been told to be more like women by curbing their confidence and refraining from dominating or showing off during classes, following workshops run by the University of Melbourne Student Union.
Men should also acknowledge that being born male and white affords them certain privileges and reconsider the use of “Australian banter” during tutorials because of the risks of excluding students from other cultural backgrounds.
This is telling:
A report from the sessions, tabled with the union’s student council, reveals female and coloured students complaints about “gaslighting” — a term commonly used to describe how victims of domestic violence are manipulated by perpetrators — describing how white, male students talk over them in class, “making us question whether we know anything”.
So questioning statements made during tutorials - which are actually meant to test knowledge and reach for knowledge - is equated to domestic violence? A university which accepts that is a university which isn't serious about education.
And note that plaintive cry that such questioning is "making us question whether we know anything”.
The sounds like the whingeing of someone who doesn't.
(Thanks to readers Steve and Lachie.)