Dr Roy Spencer runs the world's most authoritative measurement of the world's temperature, using NASA satellites. Google has now demonetised his website, where he reports the results. It accuses him of spreading "harmful" news - which is that the planet is not warming anything like as fast as predicted. Here he speaks on The Bolt Report.
Social media giants are increasingly censoring debate - and now Google is punishing one of the world's top climate experts.
Professor Roy Spencer runs one of the five big measurements of world temperature, some say the most authoritative, at the University of Alabama at Huntsville.
His work has been widely cited in the scientific literature and has won him the American Meteorological Society's Special Award.
Here's the problem. Spencer’s latest measurements for January again confirm the planet isn't warming anything as fast as predicted by climate models. It show virtually no warming over the 30 year average – just 0.03 degrees above that average. (See above.)
That kind of data has outraged some activists. They’ve complained to Google, which has now told Spencer it will demonetise his website because he has allegedly been making “unreliable and harmful claims”.
This means Spencer cannot earn money from ads placed on his website by Google’s Adsense program.
I talked to Roy Spencer about this on The Bolt Report: