Proof that the Morrison Government wants to kick out Novak Djokovic as a political menace, not a health one: "Immigration Minister Alex Hawke will not make decision on whether to cancel Djokovic’s visa tonight. He had four hours to make a decision if they wanted to keep him in detention." If Djokovic was really a health risk, why let him out?
Here's proof that the Morrison Government wants to kick Novak Djokovic out of the country not because he's a danger to the health of Australians, but because he's a danger to the health of a government facing an election:
Breaking: Immigration Minister Alex Hawke will not make decision on whether to cancel Djokovicâs visa tonight. He had four hours to make a decision if they wanted to keep him in detention, but can still exercise personal power to cancel at any time.
— Anthony Galloway (@Gallo_Ways) January 10, 2022
If Djokovic were really a health danger to Australians, why would the government sit back and let him walk free on our streets?
Is it possible the Government just wants the extra time to see how this plays out in polls and talkback? That it wants the view of the mob before acting?
If you think I'm too harsh, here are two names: Christine Holgate and George Pell.
The Prime Minister demanded Holgate be sacked as head of Australia Post even though she lawfully and understandably rewarded four top executives with luxury watches worth $5000 each for landing a deal that made the corporations millions of dollars. But the mob was going feral, so Morrison trashed her.
The Prime Minister never said a single word in defence of Cardinal George Pell, even after the High Court correctly ruled he'd been the victim of a miscarriage of justice, unfairly jailed for pedophile offences he could not possibly have committed. But the mob wanted a scapegoat, and Morrison was not the man to stand in their way by defending an innocent man.
I'd add Milo Yiannopoulos to the list. Morrison banned him from coming to Australia for being allegedly of "bad character", when in fact the true bad characters were the far-Left thugs threatening violence if he spoke. But the Left wanted Yiannopoulos silenced, and the election was just two months away. So Morrison again sided with the mob, not with free speech.
That record is not a proud one, and suggests Morrison would once again side with the mob - not justice and reason - and throw Djokovic out of the country if he thought there were votes in it. I'm guessing the first polling on this will determine Djokovic's fate.
Justin Quill outlines the legal issues with typical clarity. He points out that Djokovic won his case because he wasn't treated fairly, and there was no ruling about whether previous infection was a legitimate grounds for exemption.
On that point, a new article in Lancet suggests to me it should be, and that Djokovic poses no more health risk than any fully-vaccinated player - if his claim to have recently recovered from Covid is true:
Although longer follow-up studies are needed, clinicians should remain optimistic regarding the protective effect of recovery from previous infection. Community immunity to control the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic can be reached with the acquired immunity due to either previous infection or vaccination. Acquired immunity from vaccination is certainly much safer and preferred. Given the evidence of immunity from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, however, policy makers should consider recovery from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection equal to immunity from vaccination for purposes related to entry to public events, businesses, and the workplace, or travel requirements.