The Turnbull Governmnent is warring with the states over its National Energy Guarantee. Does anyone truly believe this NEG will slash power prices? Again, the Government plays tennis when the public wants football. UPDATE: Poll shows 70 per cent of us want more green power to cut prices. Proof that most greens have zero understanding of reality.
The Turnbull Governmnent is in a pitched battle with the states over its National Energy Guarantee. Does anyone seriously believe that this NEG will slash power prices, and does the public care two cents about about the outcome of this brawl?
Once again, the Government is playing tennis when the public wants to see football.
More than 70% of Australians want the government to set a high renewable energy target to put downward pressure on power prices, according to a new poll.
The ReachTel poll, commissioned by Greenpeace, was released on Monday as progressive campaign group GetUp and environmentalists stepped up pressure on the Victorian and Queensland governments to block the national energy guarantee and business groups called for it to be approved.
I do hope this campaign works, but the survey is bizarre.
What next: a survey showing more than 70 per cent of Australians want the speed limits lifted to put downward pressure on the road toll?
It's as if most young and green Australians live in an alternative universe where wishes are fishes and you only have to dream a cake to eat it, too.