

The ABC this week published this fake headline, just as the High Court may rule George Pell  innocent of rape: "Two new accusers say George Pell abused them when they were boys." ABC staff joined the pile on, but Quadrant now quotes one "new" accuser: "[In] 2005,... Mr Clarke... said he loved growing up in the boy’s orphanage. 'It was great fun.'"

More evidence today of the ABC's shame. The ABC this week published fake headlines like this, just as the High Court may  next week rule George Pell was unfairly convicted of rape:  

Two new accusers say George Pell abused them when they were boys in the 1970s

This headline - and another like it - was false. Shamefully and dishonestly false.

The truth: these accusers are not "new". The allegations of one collapsed at a committal hearing. The allegations of the other were deemed too weak to go to trial. The ABC simply rehashed them just when  the High Court next week is tipped to rule Pell innocent of another claim the ABC ferociously pushed - that Pell raped two boys in his Cathedral straight after Mass.

  No wonder ABC presenters and staff  rushed to push this latest false claim that there were "new" accusers, with some insisting these accusations - unproven, denied and at least highly questionable - were in fact true. 

 Here are just some of those ABC staffers:

(Note: Pell and the senior nun at the orphanage say he wasn't.)

Unless I missed it, not a single presenter or journalist on the giant ABC challenged this narrative - that the accusations were "new" and that the accusers were to be believed.

I am not calling these accusers liars. I am not even saying their claims are false. 

What I am saying is that their claims are unproven.  I also say they seem highly improbable, given the evidence. I am also saying that people can honestly misremember the past, particularly after being urged to remember it in a certain way. And, lastly, I say that Pell has also been the target of an extraordinary number of clearly false or disproven claims, including several aired by the ABC. This suggests that false accusations him are not unusual, and that there is a frenzy now that make make memories highly prone to suggestion.

Now Quadrant's Roger Franklin reports another detail the ABC omitted in pushing these allegedly "new" claims:

 One thing in particular should be noted about the tale of horrors elicited from former Ballarat orphanage charge Peter Clarke. For those who missed the latest job lot of slanders, Mr Clarke told Ms Ferguson that the George Pell of 40 years ago somehow probed his anus through his bathers.

Yes, through.

Unlikely? Impractical? Impossible? In order to avoid applying the imagination to the unlikely mechanics of such an intrusive exercise, why not turn instead to the Ballarat Courier  of October 5, 2005, when Mr Clarke was interviewed about his  artistic efforts?

That article says this:

Mr Clarke said he loved growing up in the boy’s orphanage.

“It was great fun,” he said.

“There was always a new boy and you’d be saying “oh who’s that.”

Mr Clarke spent 18 years at the orphanage, but his toughest time was when he was released.

Why was that not included in the ABC's report?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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