

Police descend on Pacific Pines house after hidden drugs-growing room discovered

A Gold Coast family has been left stunned after a secret drug-growing room they had no idea about was found at their home.

Emergency services examining drugs equipment found at a Pacific Pines home. Picture: Keith Woods
Emergency services examining drugs equipment found at a Pacific Pines home. Picture: Keith Woods

A Gold Coast family has been left stunned after a hidden room containing drug-growing equipment and old cannabis plants was found at their house.

Police were called to their Pacific Pines Blvd home at about 1.20pm after a tradie inspecting the source of a leak discovered the secret facility. Fire and ambulance crews also attended.

Police said hydroponics equipment was uncovered which appeared to be several years old, but was still connected to water. The young family living at the house had no idea that the equipment was present.

Police and fire officers at the scene. Picture: Keith Woods
Police and fire officers at the scene. Picture: Keith Woods

“Around 1.20pm this afternoon we received a call from home owners at a Pacific Pines address who had a contractor at the address,” Senior Sergeant Brett MacGibbon said.

“He reported doing some work and has found a hidden room that they weren’t aware of. Inside that room were several items of concern. We’ve attended and certainly they were of concern for us as well.

“We’ve got our drug lab people down from Brisbane to check it out and it ended up being an old hydroponic set-up.

“It appears that it’s several years old. These occupants didn’t know about it and probably the last few (didn’t know either).”

Senior Sergeant Brett MacGibbon. Picture: Keith Woods.
Senior Sergeant Brett MacGibbon. Picture: Keith Woods.

Snr Sgt MacGibbon said the discovery had come as a huge shock to the family living at the probably.

“They were very surprised but very relieved that it was nothing dangerous. They’ve got a little kiddie there at the moment,” he said.

“There’s a lot of home made electrical work that has been done in there. But other than that it was standard hydroponics, there was an irrigation system set up from outside, which is probably the reason that he’s located some water coming through the rock wall.”

Police said investigations were ongoing to determined who might have been responsible for the secret room, but that it may have been many years since the facility was actively used.

As well as hydroponics equipment, a number of old plants were also discovered.

However despite earlier fears, no other dangerous drugs were located.

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