
Kyle William Dunn punched 81-year-old man in Hollywell road rage attack

A Gold Coast man claimed the elderly victim he left bruised and bleeding in a road rage assault was being ‘a complete and utter d**khead’ minutes before their confrontation.

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A man left an 81-year-old with a fractured, bleeding nose and unable to drive himself anywhere for weeks after a shocking road rage attack on the Gold Coast.

Kyle William Dunn, 23, was seen driving erratically behind his victim’s car along Bayview St, Hollywell on the morning of October 27 last year.

Police prosecutor Nicole Conditsis told Southport Magistrates Court that Dunn repeatedly tried to swerve around the elderly man’s car, eventually overtaking him on the inside shoulder and stopping in front of him.

Sgt Conditsis said the 81-year-old approached the other vehicle when Dunn suddenly attacked, punching the older man in the face.

Paramedics were called to treat the victim’s bleeding and swollen nose. A medical certificate showed he suffered a displaced nasal fracture.

Dunn claimed the elderly man was the first to drive poorly when he later spoke with police, describing him as being a “complete and utter d**khead” that “almost f**king killed me”.

Kyle William Dunn (left) leaving Southport courthouse with his solicitor Erin Mitchell. Picture: Jessica Paul
Kyle William Dunn (left) leaving Southport courthouse with his solicitor Erin Mitchell. Picture: Jessica Paul

Parts of the 81-year-old’s victim impact statement were read to the court, speaking to the fear and anxiety he had struggled with since the assault and that his wife needed to drive him around for about three weeks afterwards.

Defence lawyer Erin Mitchell, of Potts Lawyers, said photos submitted to the court showed the older man was initially driving behind Dunn and crossed double white lines to force him to the side and overtake.

Ms Mitchell said Dunn was angered and drove after the man, and “made the very unfortunate decision” to assault him before panicking and fleeing.

She told the court Dunn worked part-time as a trade assistant at his family business and had completed an anger management course as part of his rehabilitation.

Acting magistrate Sarah Thompson said she could see Dunn made genuine attempts at rehabilitation, though it did not excuse his violent aggression.

“You assaulted an 81-year-old man – irrespective of whether you did not like how he was driving, your response was completely disproportionate to what had occurred when he approached your vehicle,” Magistrate Thompson said.

Dunn pleaded guilty to one count of seriously assaulting a person over 60.

He was ordered to complete 100 hours’ unpaid community service, and to pay $1000 in compensation to his victim.

No conviction was recorded.

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