NationalWound-up neighbours claim their lives have been ruined by a brutal battleship-grey mega shed which blocks the sun and makes them feel like they’re in a prison camp.
MelbourneA Toorak mansion bought for close to $30m just over a year and a half ago has already been traded by the son of the founder of aged care company Estia Health.
MelbourneDancing with the Stars judge, entertainer Todd McKenney, has waltzed his way from Sydney to Melbourne, buying a warehouse in the city’s inner north. See the home’s “very Roman” bath.
MelbourneThe Melbourne suburbs where homebuyers can get a property for 2015 prices have been revealed amid warnings a key state government policy could leave values languishing in new areas.
MelbourneVictorian renters are set to fork out as much as $200 extra a week in rent in some suburbs compared to this time last year. See where landlords are in control around Melbourne.
MelbourneA local family has splurged more than $8m on former Carlton president Mark LoGiudice’s extravagant six-bedroom home in one of Melbourne’s most affluent suburbs. FIND OUT MORE.
MelbourneThe creative mind behind one of Australia’s biggest fashion labels is selling her ‘iconic’ NYC-style apartment in Melbourne where the brand was born. See the pics.
WowItaly has released another round of dirt cheap homes, selling for under $2 in a bid to bring back life to one of its idyllic towns.
MelbourneAn ultra energy-efficient Victorian home where “nothing from the outside ever touches the inside” has been sold for a multimillion-dollar record price in a coastal hamlet. FIND OUT MORE.
Commercial Real EstateMeet the highflyers making millions from investing in our troubled $20b childcare industry.