Local takes podium with move on ex-Games village
The race at the top ranks of the build-to-rent sector is taking shape as the housing crisis results in more renters chasing accommodation in the dedicated unit blocks.
The race at the top ranks of the build-to-rent sector is taking shape as the housing crisis results in more renters chasing accommodation in the dedicated unit blocks.
An unemployed woman, 26, has revealed how she bought a vending machine on eBay and turns around $180,000 a year.
A US retail giant is bringing in a major change for Aussie customers – including non-members – that has been hailed a “game-changer”.
Geelong’s population is increasing more rapidly than Melbourne and regional Victoria. A new report outlines that building new housing isn’t the only challenge facing the city.
The move is part of GPT’s push deeper into asset management and sees Lendlease step out of running large shopping centres as it focuses on core operations.
The famed family’s return to buying big shopping centres suggests there’s value to be unlocked, seven years after patriarch Sir Frank Lowy sold out of the international Westfield empire.
The industrial property heavyweight has snapped up an operating intermodal terminal in Sydney’s southwest, where it remains a big industrial property player despite its recent focus on data centres.
The devastated owner of a beloved Adelaide berry farm has lifted the lid on his business’s collapse and called on government officials to step up.
Tough conditions in building have seen the construction giant sink to a loss after years of profits. But it has been winning new work.
Administrators have taken control of the Victorian sites controlled by Roberts Co.
A former Australia Post site has sold for a wild multimillion-dollar sum — well above its reserve. Experts think it means one thing.
A 3,000 sqm site is going to market, with a planned retail and apartment complex that could hold nearly 500 new homes.
A prominent super group has sold off a 14-storey office tower on St Kilda Rd in the strip’s biggest office sale in three years, as another fund plans a major redevelopment.
An unexpected solution has been put on the table, with developers backing it but it could cause a stir.
Original URL: https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/real-estate/commercial