Illegal squatters block cops with caravans
A group of illegal squatters in NSW are blocking water lines with caravans to “defend their water” as authorities attempt to disconnect water supply.
A group of illegal squatters in NSW are blocking water lines with caravans to “defend their water” as authorities attempt to disconnect water supply.
Fresh government data has shined new hope on the great Australian dream, proving you can still buy a home in a popular city for under $1m.
Are you a single lady looking for love? Or a fellow ready to grow up from the bachelor life? Here’s where you need to go to be hit with Cupid’s arrow.
Another Aussie builder has gone bust, leaving home buyers in the lurch and creditors owed millions.
Landlords looking to dodge their tax obligations have been put on notice by the ATO, thanks to new data matching technology.
More than $5bn worth of developments are coming for the Gold Coast – but experts say it’s just a drop in the ocean of what’s needed. Read our special report on the city’s deepening housing crisis.
A South Korean pension fund giant will inject $700m into the country’s largest student accommodation company.
A high-end penthouse aimed at the rich celebrity market – and dubbed a “postcard for Gold Coast tourism” – has been unveiled. SEE THE PICTURES
A big change is coming to a prominent Gold Coast shopping centre on the light rail route, with the potential for it to be redeveloped entirely. FIND OUT MORE
These unexpected suburbs are home to Sydney’s most valuable housing markets, with almost 600 suburbs now worth over $1 billion, exclusive data reveals.
New data reveals the suburbs with the greatest total value of its properties. And the results may surprise you. Find out what your suburb is worth here.
The total value of homes in every Brisbane suburb has been revealed. SEARCH YOUR SUBURB
Forget Brighton and Toorak, an unexpected suburb is home to Victoria’s most valuable real estate market with a jaw-dropping, multibillion-dollar net worth surpassing some countries.
The great Aussie dream to own a house with a backyard for the kids to run around is turning into a nightmare, with exclusive analysis revealing the average salary needed to buy a home in four major capital cities.
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