How aged village laws are failing
A dire shortage of suitable housing for NSW’s ageing population will have a knock-on effect impacting the generations coming after it.
A dire shortage of suitable housing for NSW’s ageing population will have a knock-on effect impacting the generations coming after it.
With cost of living pressures, it was a no-brainer for the Mott family to choose a campground over an expensive Sydney hotel for their Christmas break.
A shocking number of Australians are ditching the mechanic, putting themselves and others at risk.
John Van De Putte partly blames himself for the death of his daughter Lily who died in a car crash near Buxton. Now he reveals what he wished he had told her before that fateful night.
Sydneysiders could be drinking purified sewage by 2032, with Sydney Water planning to spend $1bn on a water recycling facility at Quakers Hill.
A prominent Indigenous leader is calling for ‘kinship councils’ to stamp out people falsely claiming to be Aboriginal. And politicians are listening.
Graduates will not have to pay their student loans back until they earn $67,000 as Anthony Albanese nominates study debt as a key election battleground.
It hasn’t been a great week for the Prime Minister, but insiders have revealed that the Qantas perks scandal shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.
Former clients of a now-closed Sydney CBD beauty clinic have been urged to get blood tested following reports that its infection handling procedures may have exposed them to viruses.
The NSW Liberal leader has ordered an investigation into young party members at the University of Sydney who mocked reports detailing misconduct at university colleges in the wake of a hazing incident.
Residents at their wit’s end have described being unable to escape a mosquito “plague” in parts of southwest Sydney, where the pesky insects have left some locals in tears.
1. Sydney’s 24h nightlife push 2. Friends standing by billionaire’s ex-lover 3. Suburbs with $3m mortgage debt 4. Police dog tragedy 5. Mosquito…
The writers of the 2024 HSC Biology exam deserve to sleep on ‘the cold side of the pillow for the rest of their life’, according to Year 12 students who have hailed the 3-hour test.
When Al McCabe was dying of melanoma skin cancer, he told his doctor exactly what he wanted done with his ashes – he wanted to “stalk” his wife Julie “in her handbag”. Here’s their story.
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