
Mongols enforcer Nick ‘The Knife’ Forbes jailed by SA court over brawl, told ‘you are not brave’

FEARED outlaw bikie enforcer Nick “The Knife” Forbes insists he is a protector, but the magistrate who jailed him over a massive brawl says neither he nor any Mongols gangster is brave.

ONE of Australia’s most feared outlaw enforcers has been jailed over a “disgusting” nightclub brawl — and been told neither he nor any member of his gang is brave.

On Thursday, the Adelaide Magistrates Court said there was little hope Nick “The Knife” Forbes would ever rehabilitate given his undying loyalty to the Mongols Motorcycle Club.

Magistrate Ian White said Forbes’ role in the 2011 brawl between his brethren — then called the Finks — and the Hells Angels deserved no less than immediate imprisonment.

He referenced the history of bikie gangs, which originated with returning World War II servicemen who were unhappy with their lot.

Adelaide's Lunchtime Newsbyte 1/12/16

“You deliberately chose to associate with, and adhere to, the basic rules of living outside the law and decent society,” he said.

“You have been able to make that choice due to brave men and women who fought and died for this country in World War II and other conflicts that are ongoing.

“Those people were and are truly tough and brave people — you and your group, compared to them, are not ... this violence is not brave nor excusable.”

Nick “The Knife” Forbes.
Nick “The Knife” Forbes.

Forbes, 47, of Queensland, was found guilty of affray over his involvement in the May 2011 brawl inside the City Nightclub in Adelaide.

Prosecutors accused Forbes — a former member of the club’s “Terror Team” of enforcers — of serving as a ringleader in a planned attack.

His conviction was overturned on appeal, but he was convicted a second time following a retrial.

On Wednesday, his counsel asked the court to show mercy and allow their client to return to his isolated, rural home.

They said he was a “passenger” in the brawl, not a “protagonist”, and viewed himself as a “protector” of others with a deep emotional desire to “come to the rescue”.

On Thursday, Mr White rejected that self-portrait.

“I find that you were as determined as any other member (of the Finks) to get into that nightclub (and fight),” he said.

“There is an expectation all members present have a responsibility to engage in violence and support club members in order to prevent embarrassment to the club.

“(They must) maintain the club’s image, reputation and notoriety, in particular the fact it should be feared ... in my view, that’s what this crime was all about.”

He said he “could not accept” Forbes’ claim he had acted in self-defence.

“The violence lasted two minutes (and) was far-reaching, quick, violent and disgusting to watch,” he said.

“It was a miracle no one was seriously injured or killed.”

Mr White noted Forbes’ difficult childhood but said he should have patterned himself after his kind and loving stepfather, not the club he “will never leave voluntarily”.

He jailed him for 2 ½ years with a 20-month non-parole period, declining to suspend the sentence or order home detention.

Originally published as Mongols enforcer Nick ‘The Knife’ Forbes jailed by SA court over brawl, told ‘you are not brave’

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