
My First Year 2019: Celebrating prep classes from around the Gold Coast

They’ve almost made it through their first term at big school — it’s time to celebrate this milestone with the Gold Coast’s prep classes. SEE THE GALLERY

McGregor Triplets start school

JUST one more week and the Gold Coast’s prep classes of 2019 will have made it through their very first school term.

To celebrate this milestone the Gold Coast Bulletin has published class photos from 18 different Gold Coast schools, a total of 70 classes and hundreds of students.

The occasion is commemorated in a special 20-page My First Year liftout in Wednesday’s Bulletin, and in the online gallery below.

“Every parent can identify with the anticipation and excitement of their child starting school,” Gold Coast Bulletin editor Rachel Hancock said.

“I certainly can. I still have the ‘My First Year’ publication from when my youngest started school.

“It’s a great keepsake and one the Gold Coast Bulletin is proud to put together on behalf of our readers.”

It’s an exciting time not just for families but for teachers as well, with The Southport School’s Deputy Headmaster and Head of Preparatory School Jeff Symms saying it’s always “terrific” to watch.

Hundreds of prep students joined in for our 2019 photos. Photograph: Jason O'Brien
Hundreds of prep students joined in for our 2019 photos. Photograph: Jason O'Brien


“Because prep year is the first year of formal schooling there’s a lot of excitement around that, as well as family expectations,” he said.

“It’s a really special time to be involved in education, when someone’s taking those first tentative steps it’s a real privilege to be part of that.

“What we know about education and learning is that children learn the most in that first five years of life, and so to build on that in a really successful way takes a carefully crafted program and really dedicated teachers.

“The early years are the most important. I always liken it to when you build a house, you don’t spend all the money on the roof, you spend it on the foundations.

“If you don’t, you can have the most beautiful home and it will eventually crumble.”

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate offered his advice to students and families working together to keep the classroom positive this year.

“Enjoy the class environment and respect your friends and the school community throughout these important years,” he said.

“Also, make sure you look after the quiet ones, I was one of them.”

It was a delight for our Bulletin photographers to meet with so many young and cheerful students, from schools with six prep classes to schools with less than two dozen prep students.

Check out their photographs in the gallery below.

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