
Mayor Tom Tate: Chalmers should ‘rescue’ 2026 Commonwealth Games

What the Gold Coast will get if it sensationally rescues the 2026 Commonwealth Games has been unveiled as mining magnate Gina Rinehart backs the bid. Discover the legacies.

Mayor Tom Tate welcoming Gina Rinehart's endorsement for 2026 Com Games on the Gold Coast

The legacies of a Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in 2026 are becoming clearer – a roof over the city’s aquatic centre for Olympics swimming and restoring Australian pride.

Bullish Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate’s 2026 Games rescue bid received a major boost this week from Australia’s richest person Gina Rinehart vowing to help secure it on the Glitter Strip in a repeat of 2018.

It comes despite Federal and State government verbal rejections of the idea of funding support and questions about what a 2026 Commonwealth Games legacy would look like.

But spokesman for Ms Rinehart, a big backer of Australian swimming athletes via Hancock Prospecting’s sports funding program, said government funding for the doomed Victorian 2026 Games – axed by Premier Dan Andrews – would benefit Gold Coast venues for years if transferred.

“We’d love to see the (roofless) Gold Coast pool venue upgraded to become a pool venue suitable for the Olympics.

Australian billionaire mining magnate, businesswoman and heiress Gina Rinehart. Picture: NCA NewsWire
Australian billionaire mining magnate, businesswoman and heiress Gina Rinehart. Picture: NCA NewsWire

“Instead of taxpayers funding a temporary pool in Brisbane, an Olympic standard pool venue at the Gold Coast could then benefit our swimmers and artistic swimmers in the lead up to the Olympics.

“Most of our Olympic and World Championship swimmers and anticipated Commonwealth Games swimmers train in the Gold Coast and Brisbane – so such a venue at the Gold Coast would be an ongoing long-term great plan with terrific benefit,” her spokesman said.

The comments come after the Bulletin revealed last month preliminary work was being done to determine if a roof could be fitted to the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre in a bold bid to win the 2032 Olympics swimming.

Mr Tate said the proposed renovations to the aquatic centre was about securing “legacy” infrastructure but wasn’t necessary for hosting the 2026 Games.

“It’s viable but I don’t think we need a roof for the Commonwealth Games – we might need it for the Olympics.”

Separately, on legacy, Mayor Tate said: To me, (it’s also about) resurrecting our Australian pride – when you make a deal you stick to it. The Aussie way of life is to honour a deal, whether it is secured with a handshake or a formal contract.

“Aussies are known for being fair dinkum when it comes to their word so politics aside, we must honour our country’s commitment to the 2026 games.”

“(Ms Rinehart’s) statement sends a clear message: we must show what we are capable of as a country.”

Mr Tate added Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers could “at the stroke of a pen” reprovision the funds that were going to be sent to Victoria for its now axed Games.

Gold Coast Central Chamber of Commerce president Martin Hall, already backing a 2026 Gold Coast Games, said after Ms Rinehart’s pledged support it was “time to double down and get this done”.

Mayor Tom Tate announcing the reopening of the Gold Coast beaches at a press conference at Evandale. Picture Glenn Hampson
Mayor Tom Tate announcing the reopening of the Gold Coast beaches at a press conference at Evandale. Picture Glenn Hampson

“The only city capable of doing this is right now is the Gold Coast. The plans are ready to go – they just have to be dusted off. The sooner we know, the sooner we can get the business community input to improve we had in 2018.”

It is understood mining magnate Ms Rinehart is not prepared to bankroll the Games herself – which Mr Tate has said could be staged for little over $1 billion – but is offering to do whatever she can to help secure it.

Mayor Tate said on Thursday “at the stroke of a pen’’ Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers could “rescue the Commonwealth Games and (Victorian Premier) Dan Andrews’’.

Gold Coast Commonwealth Games bid.
Gold Coast Commonwealth Games bid.

Speaking to media outside the Gold Coast Student Hub in Southport on Thursday after revelations of Ms Rinehart’s backing, Mayor Tate said making the Gold Coast the new host was the only financially responsible decision.

“We are not asking for any more money than the Federal Government had already committed to Victoria 2026.”

“Apart from the goodwill we have lost as a nation, I’m advised the Victorian taxpayer is facing a contract-breach legal bill of around $900 million.

“That will leave a sour taste in the mouth of every Victorian taxpayer.”

Mayor Tate said the benefit of having previously hosted the Commonwealth Games in 2018 meant the city already had a lot of the infrastructure needed to host the games.

“Our stadiums are ready, they might need a bit of cleaning and freshening up but the real expenditure will be housing athletes, security and some traffic augmentation,” he said.

Mr Tate added while yet to hear from Treasurer Chalmers he will be seeking to speak with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Peter Dutton will come out and put his side of the argument,” he said.

“All the eyes of Australia are watching. Put politics aside and do what we’ve been brought up to do – that when you make a deal, Australia delivers.

“We need bipartisan support for this. We’re not asking for the world – we’re asking that instead of buying the ice-cream in Victoria, buy it on the Gold Coast. It’s going to be nicer anyways.”

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