

Woodend woman Mary-Anne Klok, 60, charged with arson after Coomera unit fire

A woman has been charged with an alleged arson attack on her own son, leaving him in hospital in a critical condition. Read the latest from court.

A 60-year-old Woodend woman has been arrest following a Coomera unit fire
A 60-year-old Woodend woman has been arrest following a Coomera unit fire

A woman has been charged with an alleged arson attack on her own son leaving him in hospital in a critical condition.

Mary-Anne Klok, 60, did not appear in person when her case was briefly mentioned in Southport Magistrates Court on Thursday.

She is charged with one count each of grievous bodily harm, arson, and endangering particular property by fire.

Gold Coast emergency services were called to Fortune Street in Coomera after a unit burst into flames on July 31 about 4.15pm.

Neighbours reported hearing a loud explosion before the blaze.

A 37-year-old man – now identified as Ms Klok’s son, Daniel Klok – escaped from the fire with severe burns and ran 300 metres to the Coomera Police Station to raise the alarm before collapsing.

Unit fire at Coomera on the Gold Coast. Picture: 7 News
Unit fire at Coomera on the Gold Coast. Picture: 7 News

He was rushed to hospital in a critical condition with burns to 80 per cent of his body.

Mr Klok remains in an induced coma fighting for life.

Paramedics also treated a woman in her 40s and took her to hospital in a stable condition for back injuries and smoke inhalation.

A firefighter also had to be taken to Gold Coast University Hospital after they reportedly fell through the roof when the unit collapsed.

Ms Klok was arrested and charged with causing the blaze after more than a week of police investigations.

It will be alleged she was near the property before the home was engulfed in flames.

She has also been charged with one count each of fraud and stealing.

Police allege Ms Klok drove off without paying for her petrol at a service station on the Pacific Motorway at Coomera the day before the fire.

It is further alleged that the mother – identified in court documents as an office administration worker – stole petrol and food from the 7/11 at Coomera the same day she carried out the arson attack on her son.

Defence lawyer Corey Cook, of Howden Saggers Lawyers, told the court on Thursday that he was seeking a full brief of evidence on all charges. There was no application for Ms Klok’s bail.

She was remanded in custody, with her case to return to court on September 28.

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