
‘One person who knows their s**t’: Cape Tribulation larrikin’s desperate plea for help almost two months on from ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper

Stephen Maloney has survived throat cancer, chased crocs in Cape York and withstood countless threats to his life in one of the world’s most dangerous cities. But none of it compares to the challenges he’s faced following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Cape Tribulation resident Stephen Maloney, standing amidst the wreckage near Rykers Creek, is frustrated with the lack of assistance provided following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper.
Cape Tribulation resident Stephen Maloney, standing amidst the wreckage near Rykers Creek, is frustrated with the lack of assistance provided following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Stephen Maloney has survived throat cancer, chased crocs in Cape York and withstood countless threats to his life while living in one of the world’s most dangerous cities.

But none of it compares to the challenges he’s faced following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life,” the Cape Tribulation resident said.

“We’ve been through storms before but this event was something else.”

Soon after Jasper struck, the beloved larrikin was kicked out of his accommodation, due to damage sustained to the property during the cyclone.

“I just stayed in my ute for three days down on Coco’s Beach,” he said.

“I was lucky enough to find somewhere to stay after that.”

Cape Tribulation residents Rastah Rusch, Zoe Photellis and Stephen Maloney are frustrated with the lack of disaster recovery efforts to help their community following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper. Mr Maloney and Mr Rusch, who both have significant health conditions, still cannot leave the community as they do not have access to a four-wheel drive.
Cape Tribulation residents Rastah Rusch, Zoe Photellis and Stephen Maloney are frustrated with the lack of disaster recovery efforts to help their community following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper. Mr Maloney and Mr Rusch, who both have significant health conditions, still cannot leave the community as they do not have access to a four-wheel drive.

Because his vehicle cannot clear the landslide at Noah Range, Mr Maloney said he’s been stuck for more than 50 days while struggling to manage multiple chronic health conditions.

“I have a slightly enlarged liver and hypothyroidism,” the former Port Moresby security guard said.

“My arms were twice the size they are now six months ago. I’ve lost so much weight and strength, it ain’t funny.

“I’ve always been a physically fit guy. It used to take me 20 minutes to change a tyre on my car. The other day it took me an hour-and-a-half.

“This thing has hit me like a tonne of bricks.”

Landslides run for hundreds of metres down cliff faces and into the ocean on the Bloomfield Track between Wujal Wujal and Cape Tribulation.
Landslides run for hundreds of metres down cliff faces and into the ocean on the Bloomfield Track between Wujal Wujal and Cape Tribulation.

But Douglas Shire mayor Michael Kerr said clearing Cape Tribulation Rd remains a dangerous proposition.

“This is a road that is a track with a lick of tar over it,” Mr Kerr told ABC Brisbane Radio.

“It’s got a massive landslide that has dropped onto it, which is seven metres high.

“The geotech reports are showing major cracks along the top of the slide, with a great fear that the whole thing will drop.

“The amount of weight that’s sitting on that track has a great potential of just dropping straight into the ocean.

“So … it has to be done very cautiously, carefully and under strict instructions of the geotech engineers.”

Meanwhile residents are suffering, Mr Maloney said.

“There’s no work. We’ve got no customers. I can’t get out of town in my ute,” he said.

“I’ve got doctors appointments I can’t attend. It makes no sense to me.

“We just need one person who knows their s**t.”

A Small Business Disaster Recovery event will be held at Cape Tribulation Camping Lot on Tuesday.

It’s understood the mayor and engineers working on the road will visit the town to discuss the road closure next week.

Originally published as ‘One person who knows their s**t’: Cape Tribulation larrikin’s desperate plea for help almost two months on from ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper

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